

When you visualise what you want, your negative frame of mind serves like an obstacle preventing you from getting your desires met! What you visualized has already manifested in the intangible world, yet the manifestations are precluded from reaching you because of your mind. So if you are still negative, you MUST first work on your mental state- setting your mind right to think only the positive thoughts! Once you get your mental state right, visualization will act as the acceleration of the manifestation of your goals.




There are some criticisms that trigger more hurtful thoughts within us, deeper wounds that have not yet been healed. The reason why some people seem to over-react to certain criticisms is because they are reacting to a far deeper pain, a pain triggered by the criticism just given. We can discover these wounds by listening to our self-talk whenever we are being criticized. When somebody points out your mistake or says anything bad against you, what are you really hearing? Why are you hearing those words? Is it possible to replace them with other thoughts that are more supportive of your self-esteem? GOD never rejects HIS own and HE has given us willpower too.   So instead of feeling low or rejected when people criticise you, see yourself the way GOD sees you! Do you even know how GOD sees you? Take your time and find out what GOD has said concerning you! Just in case you don't know, I want to tell you that you are the apple of GODS' eye! Change your self-talk! Instea


I read this short article earlier today and I thought I should share it with you- very edifying! Please read: Have a simple and unassuming manner of life.  Live not to eat, but eat to live. Bear no envy.  Commit no slander.  Speak no falsehood. Do not live a pretentious life.  Practise no deceit.  Harbour nomalice. You will be ever joyful, happy and peaceful. Righteousness is the rule of life. Lead a virtuous life. Human life is not human without virtues. Study the lives of saints and draw inspiration from them. Cultivate a melting heart, the giving hand, the kindly speech, the life of service, equal vision, and impartial attitude. Your life will, indeed, be blessed. Live right. Let your life become a continuous sacrifice to God. Trust in GOD.  Life is the greatest gift. Utilise every second profitably. Success often comes to those who dare and act. It seldom comes to the timid.  May we all attain success in life! Photo Credit: markuso


Negative thoughts have a way of getting the best of us until we take necessary actions to kick them out of our minds and environments! Oh yes, negative thoughts do not only come from your mind, but also from your environment. For example, if you surround yourself with the wrong people, people who do not believe in what you believe in, especially if you are very positive person who plays by a different set of rules, you are bound to think negatively at some point until you leave that environment!  The mistake alot of us  often make in getting rid of the negative thoughts is "trying so hard"! But the truth is what you resist persists. You are only reinforcing those negative thoughts by trying so hard. The more you try not to think negatively the more you are getting anxious, which leads to more negative thoughts. To get rid of negative thoughts, you must engage yourself with only what will clear your mind and put it at rest. I usually meditate and speak GODS' wo




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From life's experience, I realised that life gives back to you what you emit! This is what I found out when you don't love yourself enough: You give people room to treat you badly and make them think it is tolerable for them to mistreat and abuse you!  You get suspicious when people treat you very kindly. You just find it hard to receive love.  You try to please other people because you feel that you are indebted to them, not because you want to. You feel  good news that you receive about yourself are too good to be true, that you do not deserve them, thereby sabotaging your success.  You feel that GOD is always out to punish you and you fault yourself when something does not go as planned.  You are always pitying yourself, thereby making you prone to depression.  You don’t feel comfortable when you look at yourself in the mirror. Dear friend, GOD loves you and HE wants you to love yourself enough, so that you can have enough to give to oth


Hello Friends, hope you all are having a fantastic weekend! Okay, I just want to share with you one of the things I do in the morning after saying my prayers, to have a productive day. Get in here.... Writing my to-do list has helped me in ways you cannot begin to imagine- from getting all those little things off my mind so I don't forget anything important to keeping me focused and keeping me on the right track, to making me more efficient and so much more! Writing a to-do list is not a difficult task at all. It is quite easy and quick. All you need is a pen and a notebook and a calendar. Oh, I am so enthusiastic about my journals- I love writing. I guess that is why it is so easy for me, but I assure you, you will love it too!  Just get started- write down what you need to do for the day, everyday, and you will be amazed at how easy your life can be! Well, you can start off with making it two or three times a week, then keep at it and get better! I wish you succ


Someone once said that the fastest way to succeed is by confronting fear. And the simplest way to do away with fear is by understanding that you're in control of everything. How true!  I have been privileged to relate with a lot of successful people (yes, I am one of and one thing they have in common is- they are fearless!  Obviously, fearful people are never successful. Their fear keeps them from succeeding and becoming what they wish to become. Fear constantly stops people's progress. I have been there and I will boldly tell you that fear is terrible! One of the ways I was able to overcome my fears (I still face new fears, but winning is my first name) was to admit my fears and  ask GOD for help! Things began to get better..I started focusing on what I want and not what I was lacking. I started improving on my imagination, in that if I had a task that got me very afraid, I would imagine myself finishing that task and succeeding! It really worked




Other people may be better at mingling in social events and in communicating with other people (oh I have tried this many times and I failed. It really feels great to be me. I care less about what people think about me. I could not fit into being who I am not).   They appear attractive, they attract the admiration of many. But not everyone who is praised is really good.  Many are even criticized for standing up for the truth (been a victor many times. Of course you do not expect me to say I am a victim). Never would. The truth is, there are people who are not well skilled at socializing with other people, but in their silent prayers, they can reach GODS' Presence, and in this, they can find their joy.  Would you dare find joy in being who GOD has made you to be instead of trying to put up that facade the world wants to see? 




You cannot get what you want by competing with other people, as the world might think that is the best way to get what you want. I feel that people that compete with others have not come to terms with the truth that there is enough for everyone on this planet earth. That is why you see colleagues at work fighting each other for positions. I call it scarcity mindset.  Do you not know that by not competing, you could become independent and free, even as your natural state ought to be?  The moment you stop scheming to take someone else's position or some sort, you begin to grow in the consciousness of abundance. You start to see that truly you are able to get everything you desire, with great assurance that there will constantly be more than enough of everything for everybody. Many people are too conscious of scarcity, lack and they make excuses for themselves at all times, that there is nothing they could do about it except the economy changes. Friend, you cannot con


You have been struggling to get a good night sleep? Well, I think I have an idea what might be the cause. I too had the same issue, so I started researching to find out what might be the cause. Here is what I found out. Two things about your smartphone. It emits blue light, and it can keep your brain on high alert. Put them together and you have got a recipe for a disastrous night in bed. Looking at light on the blue end of the color spectrum sends a signal to your brain to stop the production of melatonin, a hormone that induces sleep, says Michael Breus, a clinical psychologist who specializes in sleep. “Basically, it is telling your brain it’s morning.” That is why you have a tough time falling asleep. More so,  If you are emailing, texting, playing games, and scheduling morning meetings, that is enough to keep you awake! The best way to retire for the day is by skimming a magazine, listening to music, or stretching. Even watching movies on a blue-light-emit


In order to get what you want in life, you must resolve to never quit!  But here's something; many people were raised to believe that once you set a goal, you should stick with it and go down with the ship if necessary. This is why people stay in jobs they hate, live for years in a location they do not feel good about and even spend their lives and time with people that hurt them every single time.  But the truth is, they are living in guilt- not persistence. Persisence is not stubborness, rather it is the consistent pursuit of your dreams and continuos refusal to give up on your dreams! It can be difficult to learn the difference though, yet the difference is huge and glary!  Sometimes, these people do not get to get another chance to lead a happy/fulfilled life!  Dear friend, your chances to become a better person and enjoy the best life is as big as the sky! Photo Credit: Stuart Miles


Woman is the Divine power on earth. Woman is the first teacher of man. See woman as the Energy of God. If she is weak in striking, she is strong in suffering. Woman is an embodiment of patience, peace, sacrifice, gentleness, softness, sweetness and service.  Woman has innate sweetness. She is kind, tender and affectionate. She has a motherly heart.


From experience, I realised that hardship, I mean hardship of any kind, not just financial hardship, has a way of beating pride out of you! Unfortunately, it also destroys your self-confidence! Leaving you emotionally handicapped and vulnerable to your situation as well as the world's!  Your situation could make you feel hopeless and unsafe, I have been there! All you need is the help of the HOLY SPIRIT. I know some people will ask why I am always spiritualising things- it is because there is absolutely no safer place to be in such terrible situation than in GOD! So do not believe anyone who tells you that there is a better way! Your assurance is only in GOD, and HE never disappoints!  It is only in GOD that you will learn patience- though it is very bitter, but it's fruit is extremely sweet! Let your mind be renewed at all times, only then will your confidence be boosted, even to your amazement!  Cheer up, help is on the way!  Photo Credit! Stuart Miles


Researchers in New Zealand found that people who sit up straight report higher self-esteem, happiness, arousal, a better mood, and less stress?  If you eat a quality breakfast, you are less likely to eat a lousy lunch as you have already made the effort to eat right? Should you continuously sacrifice office time or workouts for a little extra shuteye, you will likely go out of shape. And sleep experts insist that maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is key to getting a good night’s sleep.  I agree! Photo Credit: Stuart Miles


Does not Nature seem to strive to produce strong plants, strong animals, strong individuals? Is life but an effort to produce weak, miserable, unhappy beings—or is it an urge that seeks to develop strong, happy, noble individual forms?  And how can one be happy, strong, and noble if the source of supply is denied him? What would the plant become if its nourishment were withdrawn? And yet in spite of all these apparent facts of Nature, there are those who would have us refuse the full supply which GOD has placed in our hands! These people would even deny the supply.  Oh, I say to you, friends, the POWER that called us into being has placed in this world of ours all that is necessary to our well-being, and has fixed firmly in us the natural hunger for nourishment, physically, financially, mentally, spiritually and every area of our lives! This very hunger is Nature's promise that there exists that which is intended to satisfy it. Claim it!  That which you


See the things that you want as already yours and that they will come to you at need!  Do not fret and worry about them. Do not think about your lack of them. Think of them as yours, as belonging to you, as already in your possession.  Bill Gates said that he always knew that he would be very rich! I too most assuredly know that I will be very rich!  Your success is in your knowing that what you desire is your right to have, and as such they will always come to you! Remember, success lies in your knowledge!  Reflect on this and have you a fabulous week!  Photo Credit: radnatt


Householders should not forget even for a moment that marriage is a sacred thing. The sanctity of married life has to be realised in all its fullness and in all its seriousness.  Marriage is a sacrament. It is not just the union of two bodies. That is the least important part of it. The husband and the wife should not think there is absolutely no love above their physical life. There is a love.  Marriage is the bringing together by God (through some mysterious law which operates in this universe) of two souls in this vast, vast phenomenon called life in this vast stream of existence where countless millions of souls are moving in their individual planes of spiritual evolution towards the Divine. Through the Grace of God, through the Divine Will, and through the operation of certain laws that govern this universal life, two souls are brought together. That is the meaning of marriage. Through the coming together of these two souls, God means an important process to be


Many men are brilliant, resourceful, and industrious, but they fail to reach the goal due to their lack of "stick-to-itiveness." One should acquire the tenacity of the bulldog, and refuse to be shaken off of a thing once he has fixed his attention and desire upon it.  I read a story about an old Western hunter, who when once he had gazed upon an animal and said "You're my meat," would never leave the trail or pursuit of that animal if he had to track it for weeks, losing his meat in the meantime. Such a man would in time acquire such a faculty of persistence that even the animals would realise that there was no way out for them other than to surrender! We must be stubbornly persistent to be able to achieve our set out goals- it does not matter how much time you had to spend to get it done! Just stick to it- hold on to it just as the workman holds the chisel against the object on the wheel, never taking off the pressure of the tool until the desired

