Today, please pay attention, let me share some thoughts with someone out there who may not be excited or enthusiastic about life right now. I have discovered that every human being, rich or poor, successful or struggling, sick or healthy, popular or unknown, etc., at one point or the other in your life, one day you will wake up and you may not feel excited about anything at all. Sometimes you don't feel like seeing anybody or talking to anybody. Every day of my life, I'm now used to people coming to see me or calling on phone and beginning their conversations thus: "Rev, I'm dying...," "Rev, I'm tired of this life..." "Rev, to tell you the truth, I'm confused about my life..." "Sir, I don't know what to do again, I think I've gotten to the end of the road..." Some will even say, "Rev, I don't know what the problem is, but I'm just not happy. I can't even put my finger on what is troubling me...