



There was a woman who ran a business from her house, and was always at the computer whenever her husband came home. She'd be hunched over her keyboard, would barely grunt "hello" and never got up to greet him.  Sometimes, she'd work for a good hour or two before they were even in the same room. This created a big gap between her and her husband.  Then one day, she decided to actually get out of the chair. When  she heard him coming through the door, she got up, said hello, gave him a kiss, chatted with him a bit, served him dinner, then went back to work. She decided to do this regularly.  Even though it took a mere few minutes and the smallest effort on her part, she said it changed her relationship.  Just having that little bit of eye contact and interaction with your spouse could cause a huge breakthrough in your marriage. She reconnected back with her husband while her husband made efforts to do things for her too. He admitted that her getting up fro


Some people quit due to slow progress; not grasping the fact that "slow progress" is progress! Do not quit! It is better to move forward than to stand still!


Some people want to blend in instead of stand out, because if they blend in, people will not notice them to make fun of them or criticise them.  But the truth is, there is someone out there who wants you precisely for who you are and what you have to offer. You must not have to be all smart or "a jack of all trade, or a tall dark and handsome guy or be a six feet model to become who you have been designed to be. All you have to be is genuine- and figure out the stuff you are made of!  To be honest and from live's experience, the moment you start being someone else, you start inviting the wrong person(s) into your life. How terrible that is! It is better to be yourself and take it one step at a time in your own unique way than be someone else with the wrong set of people. It might be all  fun at the beginning, but you will definitely get hit! And sometimes the victims get to have a second chance, while some never get to have a second chance to become who they really w




There are times when we experience stormy weathers- live's ugly experiences that we never bargained for or could ever imagine. The storms of life tossed you to every corners of the sea and hit you so hard that you lost hope of ever making it. I too have been through storms and it is NEVER a good experience!  Most times, you are stigmatised because of your situation and even laughed at, especially when all eyes are on you (in the negative sense) and the expectations of people concerning you are very high. They are always looking for means to bring you down. Anyone knows what I am talking about?  Well here's the key thing about storms: after the storm brings calmness, after the rain brings clarity- clarity of purpose without confusion, growth! Storm helps you discover your true self, your assignment, the reason why you were created! That's when you start getting beautiful remarks from people like, wow you have really changed, I love being around you now, what happen


Everybody, including you, has a certain constellation of traits and characteristics that, once identified and displayed, creates a power you cannot begin to imagine.  You must know what defines you- what makes you stand out from the crowd. You must rise above the noise and become the figure against the wallpaper of the world. You have to stand out against the rules of the world's standard. Define who you are and what works for you. For example, you do not have to wear a very tight, long slit dress to get people's attention, if such dressing is not your thing. You need not run after the crowd to get attention. You must define your own thing and let the world follow suit!  You all know those ladies who can come into a place and own it (I am definitely a show stopper...For real), they may not wear the most expensive dresses or the most expensive shoes and accessories and perfumes, they may not even fit the media's image of what is conventionally attractive, yet they