

Why do we think that GOD punishes us because we did not pay our tithes? GOD loves us so much that while we were yet sinners, HE sent HIS only SON, JESUS CHRIST to die for our redemption!  Here's the inspiration: whenever you pay your tithe, do it as an act of gratitude to your loving FATHER, not out of fear that if you do not pay your tithe HE will send the devourer to attack your life/family. The Bible says that GOD is our rock and there is no wickedness in HIM. So why do we think that a LOVING FATHER will attack HIS children with sickness or mishaps because they did not pay their tithe? We have been fed with how GOD is a consuming fire who is always looking for offenders to deal with mercilessly, but left out the part that tells us that HE loves us so much that HE gave, that HE redeems our lives from destruction and crowns us with loving kindness and tender mercies. You give to those you love, right? That tells us that love goes hand in hand with giving. Isnt it


Maintain daily routine like getting up early in the morning and exercising (funny I haven't exercised in a while but I am seriously considering too should because exercise is good for our hearts and healths generally),  and of course eating breakfast, which so many people ignore, having lunch, dinner and sleep.  Instead of fried food, eat baked or steamed food. Oily foods are not good for the heart. Take time to relax and meditate, it is very helpful for healthy life. Drink 8 to 10 glassed of water daily. This is one of my favourites.  For those of us who use cars for mobility, there is every tendency to get lazy that we use vehicle to go a very short distance. You should walk it sometimes, like using the steps instead of the elevator.  Ensure you have a restful night. 


Take a moment to reflect upon how "who you are," influences how you see people and things around you. 


I also wondered as I watched the waiter what he was thinking. Was he thinking about staying in a hotel some day and also being waited on by someone? Did he ever dream of being on the other side of the situation? What were his hopes and dreams for the future? I don’t know, but I wanted to tell him that he could have any future he wanted for himself. I wanted to tell him that he could get to the other side. It is more likely, though, that he was thinking about his family and what he could do to provide for them right there and then by working in that hotel. As for my grandfather, he did turn the tables and move to the other side of the equation. How? Through my parents, through me, and through everyone of my family members that have a better life today because he worked hard. Whatever kind of life we have today, he contributed to it. The success or failure of any one generation is influenced by the success or failure of the preceding generations. I realised at that moment t


Is there more at stake to the choices you make than just your future? Could you be living a life that is not of your own making? These were the questions that raced through my mind one very ordinary looking day. It turned out to be a mind-opening day. I was having breakfast in a restaurant on a recent working trip. The waiter greeted me warmly as I went to serve myself. He then retreated to a corner of the room, taking on the common stance that waiters assume with their hands clasped in front, a towel dangling between them. As I sat down to eat he came and asked whether I needed some coffee or tea. Not being particularly fond of hot drinks I declined and said the juice would suffice. He noticed that my glass was small and offered to bring a larger glass of juice. So the morning went on. He would serve me, then go back to the corner and watch. It was as though at every moment he was observing me and asking himself what else he could do to make my breakfast better and m


“Retain faith that you will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties AND at the same time, confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.”  Most people would relate to and agree with the first part of the paradox, but the second part is often not realised by many. It is an important missing link and one you would do well to always remember and utilize.




Everyone is good at something. Discover the things at which you excel, focus on your talents. Express yourself, whether it is through writing, art, music etc. Find something you enjoy- we all have it! Give yourself permission to take pride in them. Give credit to your successes. Appreciate your talents. The truth is, inferiority is a state of mind in which you have declared yourself a victim. You should not allow yourself to be victimised!  Everyone is born with talents and strengths, so stop feeding yourself with lies or allowing others or situations to feed you with lies that you are nothing. You have it- you are equipped with talents and strengths, all you need to do is to develop and excel in them.  If it is difficult to identify your abilities or what you think you love to do, think about things others do that you would like to do too and take some lessons, do a research about them, read about them. I found out that when you are following your passion, you feel uniqu


In the midst of all the hustle and bustle of life, it can sometimes be difficult to see or remain aware that our lives have tremendous meaning and purpose. Encounters, occurrences, and opportunities that hold endless possibilities and potentials, often go by unnoticed. Things that appear to be completely unimportant or of little to no consequence, turn out to have important repercussions in our lives.  The truth is that our lives are made up of those seemingly "little events," and those individuals and situations that we dismiss as insignificant, turn out to be people and events that could change us or our lives in important and meaningful ways.  Life, just as a puzzle, is made up of small, seemingly insignificant pieces. When we realize this, we can keep in mind that each minor occurrence in our lives can go a long way to help develop and reflect our character--displaying to us that which we have learned, and that which we still need to gain a better understand




Writing  down your visions- imaginations or the mental picture of who you want to be is important because it gives power and permanence to your thoughts.  I came across one of my old journals and I was amazed at the things i wrote down and how much have manifested physically, even the seemingly impossible ones. There is power in writing down your visions. You can always modify it from time to time until your visions materialise.  Writing it down will also help you when it comes to remembering the vision for your life. As you read it everyday it will become imprinted on your mind until you will be able to think and say it without referring to the written version. Then and only then will it become a part of you. This vision will completely take over your mind. Once that happens, ways to achieve what your thoughts will be made available and your environment will be forced to align itself with this new found vision.


We all know the story of the greedy king named Midas. He had a lot of gold and the more he had the more he wanted. He stored all the gold in his vaults and used to spend time every day counting it. One day while he was counting, a stranger came from nowhere and said he would grant him a wish. The king was delighted and said, "I would like everything I touch to turn to gold." The stranger asked the king, Are you sure?" The king replied, "Yes." So the stranger said, "Starting tomorrow morning with the sun rays you will get the golden touch." The king thought he must be dreaming, this couldn't be true.  But the next day when he woke up, he touched the bed, his clothes, and everything turned to gold. He looked out of the window and saw his daughter playing in the garden. He decided to give her a surprise and thought she would be happy. But before he went to the garden he decided to read a book. The moment he touched it, it turned into gol




Your attitude when things go wrong is ultimately more important than the event itself and is what will determine if the outcome will be positive or negative.  I am in agreement with Kahlil Gibran when he says that “Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens. If you have been defeated by a negative attitude towards setbacks do not lose hope. Admitting your mistakes is the first step to correcting them.  A positive attitude can be learned and developed. It is a matter of choice. You can make the choice, whenever faced with a difficulty to look at it form an optimistic point of view rather than a pessimistic one.


As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not. He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.” The man was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn’t, they were stuck right where they were. Like the elephants, how many of us go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we fa


I have learned that the science of habit is all about transforming your environment- getting rid of all distractions whatsoever including unproductive friends.  If your environment is free of distractions and you are using the right techniques, you will be much more productive, but if your environment is full of distractions and interruptions, you will not achieve anything.  You know, will power is most times overrated. For example, If you are always buying junk food or having them in sight at all times, you will be tempted to eat so easy each time you lay your eyes on them, even if it's a few bites. But if you put it away beyond your reach and away from your sight, you will be less likely to think of it because they are out of sight.  Always put inspiring visual triggers around the house. Like it you like to read your bible, always keep your bible within easy view, or you want to read an inspiring book, do same. What are those distractions that are affecting


Once upon a time, a daughter complained to her father that her life was miserable and that she didn’t know how she was going to make it. She was tired of fighting and struggling all the time. It seemed just as one problem was solved, another one soon followed. Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Once the three pots began to boil, he placed potatoes in one pot, eggs in the second pot, and ground coffee beans in the third pot. He then let them sit and boil, without saying a word to his daughter. The daughter, moaned and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing. After twenty minutes he turned off the burners. He took the potatoes out of the pot and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. He then ladled the coffee out and placed it in a cup. Turning to her he asked. “Daughter, what do you see?” “Potatoes, eggs, and coffee,” she hastily replied. “Look close




I truly believe that no situation is hopeless. Anything can be turned around as long as you have breath in you. It is not a cliché that “where there is a will, there is a way.” Yes, you may need a helping hand, but ultimately only you can make a lasting difference in your own life. Treating people like they cannot help themselves leads them to do just that. They become disempowered, hopeless and dependent.  It is important to have a dream and to pursue it with everything you have. Remember that the size of your dream is up to you because the sky has never been the limit and you have all the potential to have anything and be anything you want. Besides, you know that you have the full responsibility for your own life and should be in the driver’s seat, because it is your thinking and your talk that ultimately determine your destiny.  So whatever that situation may be, trust me, it is not hopless. Stop judging yourself, instead take the necessary action to improve your c


Are there things you have accepted simply because everyone else seems to accept them? Have you accepted society’s standards as your own? Always know this, that society celebrates mediocrity. Ordinary people do not like it when others get ahead. It only exposes their lack of vision and motivation. That is why mediocrity is often embraced and excellence is shunned, and being ordinary is acceptable. If you want more, there is something wrong with you. If something is widely accepted and everyone is doing it, it is probably better for you as a dreamer not to do it. If you want to get what everyone else is getting, do what everyone else is doing. But the truth is, that is the most terrible thing you can do to yourself- undermining the greatness in you!  You do not have to do what others are doing. Find your own lane. 


What exactly are you capable of achieving? What is a realistic expectation for your life and what constitutes sheer madness? Is there a limit to how high you should aim? The simple answer to these questions is simply that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to; if you can think it, then it’s a realistic expectation; and you can aim as high as you want. The sky has never been the limit!  We have probably all heard the “wise” saying: “the sky is the limit.” This would seem to have a lot of wisdom in it at first glance. However, it implies that man’s potential has a limit when in actual fact, man’s potential is limitless.   Have you discovered your potential yet? That is the starting point- to discover your potential (which means all that you can be, but have not yet become. It is all you can accomplish, but have not yet accomplished. It is your dormant ability)! You will be amazed at how much you are capable of achieving. If only you can discover you


In ancient Greece, Socrates was reputed to hold knowledge in high esteem.  One day an acquaintance met the great philosopher and said, "Do you know what I just heard about your friend?" "Hold on a minute", Socrates replied. "Before telling me anything I'd like you to pass a little test. It's called the Triple Filter Test." "Triple filter?" "That's right",  Socrates continued. "Before you talk to me about my friend, it might be a good idea to take a moment and filter what you're going to say. That's why I call it the triple filter test.  The first filter is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?" "No,",the man said, "Actually I just heard about it and ..." "All right", said Socrates. "So you don't really know if it's true or not.  Now let's try the second filter, the filter of Goodness. Is w


Someone once said, that the important things are usually not the most fun or exciting things to do. How true. Like reading an inspiring book instead of watching that interesting episode of your favourite TV program, my mom'd always instruct us.  There is a price to be paid for attaining greatness and at times that means doing things we do not necessarily enjoy or want to do (oh well, I enjoy and love writing). But you must do those things because you realize that your future depends on it.  Think about this: if you only had to do the things that are fun and exciting at work would you get anything done? No. But you do it anyway, for the sake of that paycheck at the month-end. Why then, won’t you do the things that matter most for your own life?  Like reading the bible, reading inspiring books, spending time with you family, getting  good journals to write down your visions etc.  What we need to do is concentrate on the things that are most important, because they ar


A lot of people feel like they are victims in life, (I was once like that, aways playing the victim and blaming every experience on my past), they will often point to past events, perhaps growing up with an abusive parent or in a dysfunctional family or whatever situation  they found themselves like abusive relationships, abusive parents, divorce, abandonment and so on. I  mean, that is almost everybody’s story in some form or not.  But the real question is, what are you going to do now? What do you choose now? Because you can either keep focusing on that, or you can focus on what you want. And when people start focusing on what they want, what they don’t want falls away, and what they want expands, and the other part disappears. It's time to refocus, because you are not your past experiences. So stop dwelling on the past! 


Where is your self esteem founded? How firm is that foundation from which it is currently built? Are you confident because you are beautiful? But what if you mingle among others who are more beautiful than you? Are you secure with your success? What if the business or the reputation you’ve built suddenly falls?  What are you worth by then?