

Someone once said that, when you stop learning, stop listening, stop looking and asking questions, then it means that your life has stopped! Don't you agree? Well I would say that anyone who chooses to stop learning is basically telling the world that he or she has had enough-enough good things of life, enough knowledge, enough experiences, enough relationships, and enough growth.  The truth is, once we choose to stop learning, much of the knowledge and understanding that we have gained and utilised or shared begins to become irrelevant and obsolete- leaving us empty and depressed, because we have lost touch of the very essence of living. We have the choice this coming year to simply exist, or to learn and to grow and shine. And if we keep our eyes, heart, and mind open to absorbing new and exciting answers from the world around us- asking questions, listening for answers, searching for truth and understanding- then this coming year will certainly have the potenti


Whether we like it or not, our children are watching us! You can dole out as much advice as you want, but your personal conduct makes a more lasting impression than your words.'The number one way human beings learn is through imitation and copy,'says Fay. If you want your child to be honest, make sure you practice honesty. If you want your child to be polite, let her see your best manners, at home and in public.  The other day, a little girl of  about 7 years of age bumped into me, and the stuff I was holding fell over the whole place. Her mother held her and walked away without saying sorry. I watched this woman walk away with her child without telling her to say sorry to the "stranger" and I felt bad for the mother. What kind of example is she teaching her daughter? Your answer is as good as mine.  So let is be role models to our children. Because the measure we give them now (good or bad) is the measure that we will receive from them- in the neares


With a new year just around the corner, this is the ideal time to ask ourselves, "How am I going to approach the next year of my life?" The coming year is a blank canvas, waiting for us to choose what we want to create on it- the lessons, the images, the mediums, the colors, the textures, the strokes, the milestones, the achievements, the dreams and so much more, because we have the ability to call forth whatever we desire to. And with this knowledge, it is important that we truly recognize that there is no need to emulate our past-the ways we'd done things before may not be how we wish to do so now, so we can have a more effective life. And with the multitude of new things ahead of us- decisions to make and tasks to undertake, if we simply try to meet the expectations of those around us, then how can we expect to ever grow or excel? Time to reflect and come up with a plan! 


Being different is a small part of being authentic, as it embraces one's uniqueness. This alone, however, does not elevate us above those around us. If we truly wish to stand out from the crowd, we have to be "outstanding."  Being outstanding might not really be easy, especially when your efforts seem to be going towards something that the world feels will not come naturally to you. In such instances, it can be easy to get frustrated or discouraged when we see very little progress for all our efforts when it obviously comes more easily for others.  That is why It is important to realize, however, to focus on what really matters- the quality of work you do and not bother yourself about how much effort others put forth. If yoy want to be outstanding, you must first believe in something- a revelation of who you truly are and in the one who called you- GOD ALMIGHTY! If not, you will keep trying hard without results.  Wishing you all an extraordinary 2017


Christmas reminds us that we are here on this planet for something greater than just ourselves. And when we choose to consider the wants and needs of others this season, we are taking part in the beautiful miracle that is being truly human.  Our LORD, JESUS CHRIST told us that the two most important commandments in life are to love God and others- both of which instruct us to direct our love outside of ourselves! 


Regardless of whether Christmastime gets us thinking in terms of our spirituality or not, it most certainly is a season that touches my heart in a way that is rare in this world.  Christmas offers to each of us the opportunity to become a better person- a chance to focus more on others and less on ourselves, to reflect deeply and live abundantly, to give generously and to receive gratefully, to share joy, love, and cheer, to grow in profound and life-changing ways, and to add our own personal contributions to the season love!  Besides, Christmas presents us with the opportunity to commemorate the birth of our saviour JESUS CHRIST, and the salvation HE brought to us through HIS death and resurrection- which is truly the reason for the season- to immerse ourselves in the positive and uplifting atmosphere, filled with the love and hope and also a chance to unite with our loved ones and family, enjoy the carols and cheers- which basically is ALL THAT I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS! How


A business man was late for his flight. He reached the boarding gate just before it closed. Sweating and out of breath, he scanned his boarding pass at the counter and quickly made his way to the plane. Arriving at his seat, he greeted his companions for the next few hours: a middle-aged woman sitting at the window, and a little girl sitting on the aisle seat. After stowing his bag above, he took his place between them. After the flight took off, he began a conversation with the little girl. She appeared to be about the same age as his daughter and was busy with her coloring book. He asked her a few usual questions, such as her age (eight), her hobbies (cartoons and drawing), as well as her favorite animal (horses are pretty, but she just loved cats). He found it strange that such a young girl would be traveling alone, but he kept his thoughts to himself and decided to keep an eye on her to make sure she was okay. About an hour into the flight, the plane suddenly bega