However you choose to see life, is exactly what life will give to you. It's just like a magnet, it will only attract metals/irons. If you choose to see life as beautiful, all you will get will be beautiful, it does not matter what you have been through. Choose to see love, beauty, good, and life will bring love, beauty and good to you. Do not listen to people who tell you, life is hard. Life can only be hard for you if you choose to see it that way!
You may be going through some challenges, but you need to come to the point where you begin to see those challenges as stepping stones to your greatness. In fact, some challenges are necessary!
Have you wondered why doughs go through the kind of beating they go through, then from beating, they go straight to the oven, then voilĂ , a freshly baked sweet bread? The beating they go through helps them come well and beautifully baked, without any form of error! That's what the sweet breads we eat go through to become meals for us! So you see, the roughness the doughs go through is necessary.
If you know deep down inside you that you are not ordinary and that your purpose is greater than the challenge you are going through, then you should start seeing those challenges as stepping stones to your greatness! Choose to see a beautiful end to your story!
Great people always have a story! What is yours?