Why do a lot of women go behind the scene after marriage? These women literally relinquish their whole lives to their husbands, and because of this they mute their opinions and okay everything the man says even when they know that they have better ideas, suggestions, opinions. This is not right. And no man should encourage this, because when a woman keeps quiet over things she's supposed to speak up on, things go wrong. Literally! Things go wrong in the home! A woman is like an Oracle. She sees things most men don't see. Truth is, a woman whose voice is muted always finds her voice back. 

Now, my question is, where did women get this notion of handing over their entire lives to their men. I'm not a feminist, but I'm concerned that if we do not do anything to correct this, we will pass this down to our daughters, GOD forbid. A woman should know her worth. A woman should know that she is a jewel of inestimable value. You're worth it woman! Marriage is not slavery! 

The men wooed us before marriage, but why do we become the wooers after marriage? This doesn't add up at all. Insecurity at some point, I'll say. Always wanting to be validated by our spouses all the time, forgetting that you're a strong force to reckon with. You may feel that you're not as beautiful and shapy as you were before you got married, but come on, the real you isn't about your looks. You are a spirit being and the real you prevails. 

I do not mean that we should disrespect our spouses, but should never let our voices be muted. We were taught wrongly by our mothers about submission. Submission is not slavery, but love, loyalty, trust, understanding, togetherness and more.


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