Apparently, there are different seasons and cycles; a season for sowing and a season for reaping. In this life journey, I have discovered that you can't rush process. In fact, process, as difficult as it is, actually helps you to develop the skills that will manifest your future goals. Truth is, I was not always this good with writing, I got better with time, while going through my process. I'm still in the journey and I will keep getting better. So you see, you actually evolve as a person while going through the process. You start to do things that you never thought you could possibly do. It is in the process that you discover your purpose and once your purpose is embedded into your subconscious mind, you will always be compelled to take actions. Thoughts always precede action and for your purpose to manifest, you must take action. And let me say this, your mind is a garden, and always, weeds will sprout up from time to time. The weeds are the negative tho...