

You will succeed best when you put the restless, anxious side of affairs out of mind, and allow the restful side to live in your thoughts. 


Overstraining is the enemy of accomplishment. Calm strength that arises from a deep and inexhaustible source is what brings success.  This really comes down to our lack of knowledge of what constitutes true strength in life. All too often we see people "overstraining" themselves- wasting effort, time, and energy trying to do something or control someone or something- because they feel that strength is defined by how much effort is exerted. But strength is not a measure of force or control, nor is it a measure of how well we can absorb the hurt from others; strength is our ability to hold on to our internal peace, serenity, joy, compassion, mercy, and love in the midst of difficulties and failures, uncertainty and discord.  When we are able to handle difficult situations in authentic ways- remaining completely ourselves and not worrying about what others think or say about us- we forego overstraining and overexerting ourselves in harmful and unproductive ways. No




A healthy breakfast is very important for school going children as breakfast improves their concentration and performance in school.  The calcium requirement for children is higher than that of the adults. Always ensure that your child get a at least 2 cups of milk  and diary product everyday.  Children should never be reprimanded for their curiosity. Things should be explained to them in a simple manner instead.  A balanced diet, rich in proteins, along with sports like swimming, basketball and volleyball can help children grow taller.  Any heavy weight activity is not suitable for young children as it nay toughen their muscles and stunt their growth.  Offer vegetables and fruits more often than juice. While fruits and vegetables have more vitamins, minerals and fibre.  Be a good role model to your children.


Only by much searching and mining are golds and diamonds obtained! This is so deep! And man can find every truth connected with his being if he will dig deep into the mine of his soul. We are the makers of our characters, the moulders of our lives and the builders of our destiny, because we have been giving the ability by GOD!  Man may unerringly prove, if he will watch, control and alter his thoughts, tracing their effects upon  himself, others and upon  his life and circumstances, linking cause and effect, by patient practise and investigation, and utilising his every experience, even to the most trivial, everyday occurrence, as a means of obtaining knowledge of himself which is understanding, wisdom and power.  Remember that "He that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh it shall be opened"; for only by patience, practice and ceaseless importunity can a man enter the door of the temple of knowledge or achieve anything he wants!


For those of us who live in Nigeria, it's been a wet season and a lot of us are battling with cough and cold. But not to worry, I have some really home remedies for cough and cold. Be sure to try them out....They do work!  Chewing a piece of fresh ginger with a little salt on it will ease coughs.  Chewing some cloves of garlic with warm water or green tea eases cough. Half a cup of warm water mixed with one teaspoon of lemon juice and one tea spoon of honey can be taken several times a day.  Gargling with warm salty water is also beneficial. This can be done two or three times a day.  Inhale steam to ease your congestion and dripping nose. Hold your head over a bucket of boiled water.  Drink luke warm water to fight a common cold, cough and soar throat. Drinking warm water reduces the inflammation in the throat. Plus, water helps to replenish the fluids in the body and washes out the infection.  Juice a big red onion mixed with one teaspoon of honey.


Examine all of your beliefs closely and determine whether they are in line with the life you desire. If they are not, toss them out! You may find it difficult to get rid of some of the deep seeded long standing beliefs, but with true desire, you can abandon the negative beliefs about yourself, and as you do, you will realise the benefits in growing a terrific self-confidence and self-esteem.