

What were your dreams when you were a child? What happened to those dreams?  If you are like most of us who were told by our parents, friends, partners, colleagues, teachers how unrealistic our dreams were and have buried those long-ago dreams so deeply in your subconscious mind that you can no longer even remember them, don’t lose hope! All you need is to look deeply inside and self-examine yourself to bring your dreams to the surface.  Nevertheless, if they remain hidden, there is one important thing to remember: You are not the same person as you were back then! While it is possible to rekindle a dream you’ve held since childhood, you do not have to. Instead, let new dreams make themselves known to you. Ask yourself what type of work would make you feel most fulfilled. Ask yourself how you can best make a contribution to the world by doing something you truly love. The truth is, many of us have completely lost touch with our passions. We are so focused on the th


When you keep making the same mistakes over and over, and you keep saying, "you know I'm not perfect", that's the devil beating the drums of destruction for you and you're ignorantly dancing to it! That's why people ain't getting any better or even make efforts to get better!  We must learn to take responsibilities for our actions/mistakes, accept that we're wrong, learn from it and determine to get better- that's the only way to walk in CHRIST'S perfection! Here's what our LORD JESUS said in Matthew 5:48, " You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect."  So, stop believing those lies. That's part of the devil's tricks to keep you down in his claws for life. Don't allow it! Determine to be perfect just like JESUS! Stay blessed! 


Even if all the outer aspects of our lives seem wonderful, our emotions can still cause us to feel unhappy. Memories of events that caused us great distress can stifle our development. Negative thought habits can fill us with feelings of frustration and powerlessness. Negative self-talk can cause us to sabotage any goals we set. Emotions can be a tricky thing to understand, but it becomes easier when we consider that our emotions are fueled by our thoughts. If we THINK negatively about ourselves, we will FEEL badly about ourselves. If we focus on the negative in our lives, our lives will seem to have a negative theme. Whatever we focus on the most determines how we feel. Even if everyone around you is emotionally down or having a bad day, you can choose to stand out by being emotionally strong and happy. It all depends on what you allow your mind to think. For instance, someone steps on your toes when you were having a really good day; do you start cursing the person


If there is one thing I've learned in life, it is the understanding that success is a journey, not a destination. It is not about what you do, but WHO you become through the achievement of your dreams. Success is a process of letting go of perceived limitations, growing and developing as unique individuals, believing in our true potential, honoring the best parts of ourselves and letting the world know who our source is- GOD.  Believe it or not, the mind is where all the issues of life and events are birthed. In this journey to success, most of the process, if not all, takes place in our very own minds.  Listen dear friend, nature has designed it that you are successful; you've always had the potential to be successful, you just need to believe it and embrace it! So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!!!! 


 "Two men look out through the same bars: One sees the mud, and one sees the stars."- Frederick Langbridge, A Cluster of Quiet Thoughts. Way back during my secondary school days, I was among the six students that got picked to represent my school in an English Essay Writing Competition. Truth be told, I was the least among the rest when it came to having excellent grades, not only in English, but in all the subjects. I actually wondered why I was picked, but I guess the teachers saw in me what I couldn't see in myself then. Rather than shy away from the challenge, I saw it as an opportunty to improve in my essay writing; and even though we didnt win the price, I made an excellent grade in English Language during our final examinations. So my point is, in life, we have choices; and we either have a pessimistic view and live a self-defeated life or decide to be optimistic and take a challenging and fulfilled life. So why nurture an optimistic point of view?


Getting to know yourself can blast through any negative preconceptions you may be persistently entertaining in your thoughts or mind . Remember, your self-image is usually based on the conclusions you formed from your past experiences. For instance, you may hold a belief that you are not a good writer, or you’re not a “people person”, or that you don’t have any special skills, but is that really true? How do you know for sure? Please don’t say, “Because I tried it once and I sucked at it.” Trying something once or only a few times should not discourage you. You only need to make up your mind to succeed.  The truth is, you can become good or even great at anything if you truly want it and are willing to never give up.  My question is: Do you really want to get “there”? Getting to know yourself helps you separate what you really want from what others expect of you.


Will you live a life controlled by random thoughts or will you choose your thoughts carefully to develop a success mindset? When you get a hold of your thoughts you have the power to create wonderful things in your life, all by just taking command, training and instructing your mind to think properly.