Achieving true beauty is not as hard as it may seem. As a matter of fact, to think beautiful is to be beautiful. That's right! All you need is the proper attitude towards believing how good you look and feel, and it will eventually show that you are, indeed. 

The seeds of beauty are one of the most precious seeds of thought you can plant and cultivate in your mind. Just by thinking and saying, “I look good,” you sowed the seeds. After sowing these seeds, cultivation must begin. 

Cultivation is comprised of the responsibility and the commitment on your part to make beauty a reality in your life. This takes time and work, especially that it needs to work on all the aspects of your being – physical, emotional, mental, and aesthetic. Cultivating the thought, “I look good” requires self-analysis, goal-setting, discipline, dedication, and patience until you can finally say, “I feel good. I am good.”

What is very important in achieving good looks, feelings, and vibrations is to love yourself above everything else. 

Respect and love for your unique self and an understanding of your nature are the first steps in building respect, love and understanding to others. Only when you feel good about yourself will you begin to like and love yourself. And only when you begin to love yourself will you become a vital and interesting person for others to see. The secret is to develop a friendly relationship with yourself. If you would not want yourself as a friend, who would want to?


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