Why do most men cheat? I said most, because, I certainly know that not all men cheat. We've been manipulated to believe that they were designed that way. And I wonder, did our good GOD take HIS time to create man in his own image just to tag him promiscuous? Where did you guys get this misconception from? Ohh I get it, King David ( a man after GODS' own heart) and King Solomon ( a man filled with wisdom), oh even Abraham. You use these men to justify your immoral acts? These were men who made mistakes, and given another chance, would have done better, I believe. Because, if not, why did Solomon later write the book of Proverbs and talked about never to give room to "strange women." Guys, wake up, you weren't designed that way, rather it's the devil's plan to pull you down the same way he pulled down so many!