Here you are first thing in the morning. You are going through the motions of waking up going through your routine. 

Doing the things you feel obligated to do. It's a rough go being stuck in a situation that you wish you weren't in. 

You find yourself always asking why this keeps happening. 

Every action you've taken has given you a temporary fix or blew up in your face. It's just the same tired pattern over and over. 

Well did you know that there are two versions of you? 

In thy limbs lie Nations Twain, 

Rival races from their birth,

One of mastery shall gain, 

The younger over the older reign. Genesis 25:33 

There's the one of this world that deals with the normal everyday limitations placed upon you by the very fact that we live in an objective material 3D world.

Then there is the true version of you— the one without limitations that can perceive, experience and observed that which can not be seen. 

The second version walks in the land of faith. Faith is substantial—in fact it is the evidence of the things not seen. 

if you can learn to operate from the second version of yourself, you will be moving with the MOST HIGH—between witout Faith, it is impossible to please GOD! 

You will be able to see, hear, taste, touch things that your physical senses can't.

They are rivals because the carnal man only knows what he has experienced, whereas the second can only know what's possible and the ideal.

By operating from the second man, you will wake up each day with a purpose and a drive to manifest amazing things.

You must learn to train your imagination and move as a second man. 

Give yourself within that which your senses and reasons deny. 

Dwell in the state of the wish fulfilled, dreams come true, and walk knowing you are the one you once desired to be. 


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