

When I listen to most successful people, they always say something like, "when I was a kid, my parents told me that I would never amount to anything in life, or my high school teacher once told me that I would never become a billionaire. Did they believe them? Well, most of them did and allowed those words to become true, but the ones that didn't, prove them wrong by being successful against all odds.  Most of the people who failed would say that they strived to fit in because they were afraid of being different. They feared the work, stress and fear itself surrounding standing out. And I ask, who was the last guy who fit in and changed the world?  The challenge most people face is the fear of standing out. They want to trend with everything that is trending. You could enjoy the hype for a moment, but at the end, it fizzles away. That is what happens when you want to fit in.  Standing out is scary, especially when everybody around you is trying hard to fit in


They say that assumption is the mother of all mistakes.  How many times have you assumed something and it turned out to be true? Hardly. I want to urge us to learn to be "double sure"( borrowing my sister's words) about any situation.  Assumption has led a lot of people into regrettable and irreversible mistakes. As hurting as you may be feeling, do yourself the good of being a little more patient to verify before you draw conclusions and do something terrible, that you will live the rest of your life regretting you'd done better. On a lighter note, let me share a true life story with you, on why you should never assume.  Few years ago, I got a job in an engineering firm and my take home was a good one. I was also given an official car and a driver. On my first day at work, I was out and about with the driver. So with so much excitement, I called my mom and was telling her how happy and excited I was, and how I was cruising the whole town with a brand


There is this saying: out of sight, is out of mind. Does this apply to husband and wife that are not based in the same station? Here's my answer to his question: For couples who are closer and have a strong relationship with each other, out of sight will make them grow fonder with each other.  But for couples who are always at log ahead with each other, or a situation where the man treats  wife very wrongly and vice versa, out of sight will/might really become out of mind. But what should work in this situation should be for the couple to talk about their situation. And ensure they keep in touch very closely. Please share your thoughts on this. 




Do not get lost in the crowd. Carve out your own niche. Discover what works for you. Work and walk with what works for you, not what other people think. It is hard to toss a person who is focused. Focus on your abilities, because you have them. GOD is all wise, and could not have created you with nothing! You've got it friend. Always create time for yourself and do some soul searching from time to time. That person you are running after could be secretly admiring your potentials even though you are not seeing them. This is not a cliché.  The truth is, you are who you say you are! Get on yourself and happen. Remember, patients is a virtue. Do not be in a hurry. Your chances of succeeding are as big as the sky. Stay motivated. Be inspired!




Hey friends, it's been a while we had a talk on singles/married. Today, I just have a few things I would like to share with you and I will be so pleased to read from you as well. I had a chat with a senior friend yesterday and we dived into so many topics, one of which was on bonding, and I said yes, this is worth talking about. Bonding is not a new word when it comes to most couples, but I would not like to assume that everybody knows what it is all about, that is why I would like you all to share your thoughts too.  It has been said that, successful couples forge a strong bond which leads to deeper intimacy and love in the relationship. This is so true, I must say.  Bonding is the process by which you and your partner connect on more intimate and deeper level. Inability to bond will result to superficial, selfish and myopic relationship, which will not take you very far as a couple. Bonding keeps you focused and centered on each other. No more looking outside.  When