The combination of both words, as common as they are and as often as they are being used on a daily bases holds strong water in our walk with God. However the essence of thanksgiving can never be over emphasised. 

I have observed overtime the conventional attitude, response, and ideology that is dominant each time the concept of thanksgiving is raised even in the midst of "firm believers". Often times, people interpret the idea in focus to connote setting aside a special moment in the year when you "go for thanksgiving" clothes are made, people dance to church, offer a special kind of offering, and all of that. As much as this is important, it is my pleasure to bring to your awareness that every single day of your life should be celebrated by giving thanks to God. 

Charles Dickens once said " Instead of having one Thanksgiving Day each year, we should have 364 days of thanksgiving, use that one day just for complaining and griping.
I reiterate that we shouldn't wait for a special holiday to express our gratitude to God, instead thanksgiving should be a part of our daily lives as we enjoy" koinonia" fellowship with our father. 
Take a look at what Psalm 8: vs 3-5 says
"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him, you made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honour"

Being thankful and praising God should come naturally-almost involuntarily actually, because it has been formed as a fundamental part of you. 

I guess you have been in a situation where someone expressed gratitude because he or she enjoyed good will from you, how did you feel? Think about it and imagine how your heavenly father will feel when he daily receives thanksgiving from a heart that genuinely appreciates his overflow of mercy and grace that pulls other material benefits to us.  

A young boy witnessed a horrific motorbike accident and asked me why God would allow him to see such a terrible thing knowing very well that he might not be able to sleep afterwards. I asked him whether he considered the possibility that God has granted him a privilege to be with the rider and provide him the comfort that he needed. It is not something that one would want to do on a daily basis, but it is necessary because when you do, you will discover how long and wide, how tall and deep the Love of God is.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Image excerpt from


Unknown said…
Thank you for this article. More grace

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