Dear Nemerulez Blog lovers, I woke up to this morning and this question popped into my head: 

"If you had the power to change just "one thing" in the world,  what would that be?" 

I thought I should share it with you all, because i know you'd have a lot to change if given the power. So please share your thoughts.....

It's a very great day... Be alive, Be happy and Be highly expectant!!!!


Anonymous said…
I will put an end to all bombings and killings. Silvia
Life Trajectory said…
As much as change is a constant variable, it's seen differently. It took me quite a while to think of what i would change if i had the power to. Initially i was thinking of ''power'' as some form of mystical or unrealistic spiritism as we see in most movies until i changed my perception to look at the underpinning construct a bit differently. The adjustment of my paradigm made me realize that i have already started making some significant changes with the power i have. The power i have comes in the form of my abilities, skills and dexterity. As much as i believe in the power of influence, i conform to the ideology of being the best of myself in order to rightly influence people around me. A young man once asked his mother how he can attract the right woman that resonates with his persona, his mother recommended that his focus should be on becoming the right man. That sort of frame of reference motivates me to share my ideas, my values, and my gifts with my circle of influence and to help young minds to become the best of themselves as they join me to deploy their abilities rightly. That is the kind of change agent i have become and i live everyday being sensitive to the needs my talents can meet.
Anonymous said…
I will end technology no more phones, computers, television. That is to say, no more cheating. No vex o, I dey talk my mind. Richard
Anonymous said…
I will remove poverty. Neme you're a good writer. Pls keep it up. #Uloma
Laura Nwodo said…
I will take power from all in government because man's ideology and system is corrupt which is evident in the state of the world today. I'm soooo loving this blog!!! Exciting, Fun , Inspiring Empowering and a lot more!! More Power Dear Neme.xXx
Anonymous said…
I will invent a self power - supply. Chuks

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