A while ago I did a back track on how we lived and functioned before the emergence of technology; how people kept communication lines open through writing letters and posting them which could take a couple of weeks before the recipient gets a hold on basic information. Come to think of it, people still functioned, they lived life without bothering about phones or any form of gadgets because there was nothing to worry about in that regard. 

Given the emergence of technology, primarily the use of phones, there has been a gross diversion of priorities and the way things are done which has also left it's dent on our values, systems, and procedures. Although  the more things change, the more they remain the same, I am of the strong opinion that we have wrongly harnessed the benefits of the use of phones. Regardless of its benefits which helps us to keep communication alive, it has also communicated wrongly to a lot of people who have allowed their phones to displace a lifestyle that corresponds with the right ideals. 

As you may be aware, the birth of technology has given rise to the manifest in the incidence of pornographic indulgence which is a debasement of moral chastity. The affinity between couples has been compromised as they drift towards other relationships because they can "secure code" the phones as they advocate for a personal private life even in the midst of consolidated marital relationship. Stimulus that dents our relationships are operational in easy and different formats...just as easy as downloading an unhealthy application that feeds the dirty habit you are struggling with.

In all of these, I think we have made a choice...a choice to allow ourselves to be influenced the way we have been given the conventional use of technology. I'm not anti-technology as I have benefited from it because it helps me share my thoughts with you as well as tough lives significantly. It's time to say "yes" to the right actions, and debunck  actions that move us in opposite direction to our God-given purpose. 

The right choice is as easy as the wrong...

Dare boldly!!!


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