The popular expression " A friend in need, is a friend indeed" often times is used to affirm the true value of friendship.

A friend's worth is measured when there is a consistent display of actions that communicates value. No wonder the Bible puts it this way..."Iron sharpens iron, so does a friend sharpen the countenance of his friend". Countenance as used here is a metaphor for every form of support that moves your friend to the right direction. 

It is easy to attribute "help" to financial resources, but "help" as it were, could be a hand to hold, a heart that understands, an ear that will listen and provide valuable contributions without being judgemental, a voice of reason that strengthens your faith even when it feels like the world is closing in on you. 

In the world we are in today, we hardly find "friends in deed" who care a great deal and could go out of their way to put on hold temporarily their own activities just to be there for a friend who needs them. That is why I do not hesitate to show great appreciation when my friends go out of their way to be of  help to me. When you call someone your friend, be ready to make some sacrifices for your friend, because that legacy will speak for you.

Let us not be too consumed by our own needs but as much as we can, we should always show  that act of love and kindness to those we call "friend".  


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