

Rose:  I feel I am having the best time of my life. Diane: Really? How so? Rose: My fiancé, he is such a lovely man. He makes me happy. Diane: I knowww dear. It is so obvious that you are happy. Rose: I really thank GOD. Diane: Don't get me wrong  my friend, but can i ask you some things? Rose: (with excitement) Go ahead. Diane: How well do you know this guy? Rose: I know him very well. I know his family. I know where he lives and work. He does not hide anything from me. We are so compatible.  Diane: Ok dear. I am happy you said all these with confidence. How about his christian life? Rose: mmmmm, he is not really into the church things, but he is a very wonderful man. So harmless. I so love his person. Diane: But you are a very good christian. You feel that is not a minus on his resume? Because if he is not a christian  or not into the church things as you put it, will you cope with such a man who sees the wor


There is no inventor or manufacturer of a product who will not first of all try that product before releasing it to the market for consumers to buy. For example, when Daimler brings out a new model of Mercedes Benz car, they take it to their testing bay for the car to go through several kinds of tests. They subject it to huge impact from external forces, thet turn it upside down,  they drive it in all kinds off simulated weather, and they drive it up and down slopes at top speeds: they perform very imaginable and unimaginable test on it...why? They want to make sure that it works before they release it to the public, they want to make sure that the product they are yet to release will stand the test of time irrespective of exposure to harsh realities.  Similarly, when a new kind of medicine which is meant to cure some kind of sickness or disease is invented, it is first tried on rats, cats, hamsters etc, and then they eventually administer it to human beings under very clo


The course of any life depends on the right or wrong use of words. Words create for us the path we take in life. Rich or poor, great or small, success or failure, our words are custodian of our everyday life. Life or death comes from the kind of words that we speak. There will be no need for suffering, poverty will be unnecessary if men everywhere will use the power of words to their advantage. No contrary winds and storms of life however great are strong enough to conquer the man who has the right words in his amour. We live in a world sculpted and created by the spoken words of God. We can only make our lives, change our environments and the things we want to see by the words we constantly speak. Great minds the world over rule by words. The right words puts us in charge over the circumstances of life as the wrong words imprison us and take us captives by the little events of day-to-day existence. We compel men, circumstances and events to submit to us if we use the ri


Imagine a tree. Let's suppose this tree represents the tree of life. On this tree there are fruits. In life, our fruits are called our results. So we look at the fruits (our results) and we don't like them; they aren't enough of them, they're too small, or they don't taste good.  So what do we tend to do? Most of us put even more attention and focus on the fruits, our results, but what is it that actually creates those particular fruits? It's the seed and the roots that create those fruits.  It's what's under the ground that creates what's above the ground. It's what's invisible that creates what's visible. So what does that mean? In simple terms, it means that if you want to change the fruits, that is the results you produce and traits you manifest, you will first have to change the roots. It you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible. The changes we expect to see in our lives wil


Love is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person. To love someone is not just a feeling whereby, when you feel low you love less or you love more when you are happy and excited and satisfied. Love is a decision, a judgement and a promise.  Love is active not dormant. Love is shown, given, shared. There is no love without giving. No wonder the bible says "for GOD so loved the world that HE gave! You go out of your way to meet someone's need, knowing that the person is in need without asking you. Money is not all the need one could ask for. It could be your lovely presence, your listening ear, your affection, your time, your good attitude, your sensitivity, your understanding and more. So it marvels me when I hear some people say "I do not have anything to give".  It is not all the time that one would be free enough to ask you for a help , but it takes love to be sensitive to decipher that your help is needed.  In the case of married couple


Happy Birthday to the hardest working woman I know. My life source, the love of my life, my heartbeat… How many men truly know that their wives are their life source? Food for thought.  Well done Darey Art Alade for your understanding of this mystery.  No wonder your life has no controversy.  A beautiful happy birthday to your lovely wife. 


STILL ON REFLECTION!  I have learnt not to overlook certain seemenly little things. They appear little and some of them are insignificant either because they have become acceptable trends or people are not aware of them. Although some of these trends have become culturally acceptable, it doesn't negate the fact that they are nonsikitor and against ethical standards of an egalitarian society. In my relationship with people, I have learnt... I have learnt how to listen as much as have learnt how to hear. I have learnt to pay close attention to detail because I found out that it reveals my level of commitment and zest.   I have learnt how to express myself and communicate in a simple and clear manner even when I am being misunderstood,  misinterpreted, and misjudged. I have not only learnt how to acknowledge my wrongs but have embraced a teachable spirit that humbles me to learn from the best. I have learnt how to say "am sorry"..


Our job as parents is to train up our children well, give them the best, provide the right environment and also nourish them. Let us know that children are like seeds that came in a packet without label,  and as such we parents need to plant them, water them, prune them, feed them with the right nutrients and ensure  they grow well without them getting chocked with weeds and thorns.  The love we have for our children is unconditional.  That is love without any string attached. Love that came from no efforts of theirs at all. We even loved them before we set our eyes on them. As parents,  let us   Appreciate our children no matter their weakness,  which could be a sign of strength at the long run.  Help them overcome these weaknesses by helping them and showing them love.   Make your child feel understood and accepted. Do not always be in a hurry to pass judgement on your child. Always give your child room to explain him/herself. By so doing, you will gain  the trust of


1. Have you ever had someone believe in you in ways that you did not even believe in yourself? How did it make you feel? Did you behave differently as a result of their respect? 2. Are there people you know who benefit from added respect? What can you do to enhance their self-esteem and release their potential? What "cows" can you offer them as a symbol of your respect? 3. Like Jonny Lingo, most everyone has been the victim of undue gossip- a clear violation of the principle of respect. When you hear gossip in the social circle, do you pass it on or smother it as its roots? 4. For the first time at sixteen, Dudley felt part of a group. Are there people you know who would benefit from being part of your circle? 5. When was the last time you celebrated a neighbours difference?  6. When last did you go out of your way to meet someone's need, financially in your local church, at work, within your family, at the charity homes etc?


"When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece" John Ruskin When asked why people invent, Mark Twain replied, "To give birth to an idea-to discover a great thought-an intellectual nugget, right under the dust of a field that many a brain-plow had gone over before. To be the first-that is to put yourself into something innovative and worthwhile, and then to see it come to fruition. But the process of creating can be a roller coster of heights and lows, ecstasies and despairs before you experience the reward.  Recognising Vision as a principle that enables the art of creating.  "Determine that the thing can and shall be done and then we shall find the way"  Abraham Lincoln. All things are created twice. All things. Vision is the first creation. For a house it is called a mission. For a day it is called a goal and a plan. For a parent it is called a belief in the unseen potential of a child. For all, it is the mental


The mother and her child are inseparable, It is amazing how the journey began; They breathed the same air; And shared the same heart beat; Fed the same food and gained the same nourishment; The child felt every emotion the mother felt from the womb; Their "lives" unexplainably intertwined; Could such bond be severed? Hardly! Even if one attempts to deny its existence; An invisible cord; It grows stronger and gets better; It is truly amazing how this journey began....


A woman's hair is her pride. Notice that your hair most times make an impression about you. No wonder we spend a lot of money to keep our hair fixed, braided, and groomed (for those of us that wear our natural hairs often). I have found out that women would have loved to be going more on their natural hairs, if they can grow healthy hairs. So I went through a research and found out that there are actually some food that enhances hair growth. Here are a few of them... Sunflower Seeds- There was a time I used to experience hair breakage and my hair stylist introduced me to Sunflower seeds. I tried it and it works. Sunflower seeds are enriched with Vitamin E which enhances the flow of blood to the scalp that helps the hair to grow. Spinach- contains high level of Vitamin C, Beta Caroten, Iron and Folate, which keeps the hair follicles  healthy. Sweet Potato- is a good source of antioxidant such as Vitamin C, E and Carotenoids which help to protect the


I  once heard someone say that laughter is like internal wonder the Bible says that a merry heart does good like medicine. (Prov. 17:22) Laughter not only makes the journey endurable and enjoyable, it also helps keep us healthy. Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain and conflict. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. I sincerely think you need to include laughing sessions as part of your daily itinerary because a nice sense of humour carries strong components that rejuvenates your spirit as it lightens your burden, inspires hope, connects you to others, and keeps you focused and alert.   As much as laughter has a lot of health, social, and therapeutic benefits, it has spiritual implication. Think about this, you are faced with challenging circumstances yet you choose to deliberately laugh out loud...this action reaffirms your convictions that you will finish


Did you know that washing your face can cause your skin a whole lot of discomfort like dryness, irritation and breakouts if not done properly? I used to experience a lot of irritation and dryness, which was a very big concern to me, until I met a dermatologist who advised me on how to take care of my skin. Enjoy your weekend as you try out what worked for me. Pick the right products. It is very important that you find out what works for your skin. The product your friend is using might not be good for you. Do not wash your face more than twice a day. Too much of it causes skin irritation. If you did not wear make up, you might have to skip using your cleanser before going to bed. Do not exfoliate too much. I used to exfoliate everyday and that was not good at all. As much as it helps to remove dead cells, it could also damage your skin if not used moderately. So I recommend you exfoliate twice a week. Use a good product. It does not necessarily mean that you mu


Getting Started; We all know that real communication is not just a matter of uttering words. Did you realize just how little impact what we actually say has on people we are speaking to? In a face-to face situation, like a presentation, between 55 and 65 percent of your meaning is communicated by your body language- your posture, movements, gesticulation, and facial expressions-and 38 percent comes from your tone of voice which could either communicate confidence or fear or pride. That leaves just seven percent to be conveyed by the words you use.  In addition, researchers also agree that the verbal part of the communication is used to convey information, while the non-verbal part is used to convey values, feelings, and attitudes...the things that build rapport.  It's obvious then, that if you can learn to understand and control body language in a conscious way, you can make an enormous difference to the impact you have on your audience or  the per


WISDOM FOR LIVING Your success is determined by what you are willing to ignore.  Stop talking about your failures if you really want to succeed. King David's secret was that he was only conscious of victory and not defeat.  Do not try to always correct everything around you. Learn how to ignore some certain things.  It helps alot. Every successful marriage is the willingness to trivialise some issues. Make some decisions that bring peace. Bitterness is deadlier than injustice.  The worst person to look up to is a man or woman who has no focus. Money or a career should serve a marriage;  a marriage should never serve money or career.


IT IS VERY IMPORTANT I have heard a lot of women talk about their husbands, and it is only few that have said really nice things about their husbands. While this has been a deep concern to me, I did a little research about why these women do not feel happy and satisfied with their husbands. Most of them talked about how busy their husbands are which is the reason why they spend little or no time at all with their families. And as such, a big gap is created in the relationship between the man and his wife and his children which causes disunity, constant misunderstanding between the man and his wife and generally creating an unhealthy relationship.  There is an adage which says, where your heart is, there lies your treasure. So no matter how busy a man is, he will always create time for his family, if he really cares about them and anything short of that is a mere excuse. The man needs to understand that his wife needs his undivided attention from time to time. He can stre


Often times I have come across people who feel that they are not as fortunate as others.  And I feel bad seeing them do less or not even contribute at all to their society because of what their environment or society had turned them into. But on one on one encounter,  these same people prove to be no where at all, what the society calls them. They seem to be more open and more lively and have a lot to offer. This is a case of a little girl who was unfortunate to have become a victim of life challenging circumstance, and when everyone else had given  up on her, after series of encounters with the right people who helped her come back up,  and groomed her into knowing how special and valuable she is, no matter what the society thought of her, she decided to let her past go.  Right now, this little girl, whom the society termed incapable has grown into a strong and confident woman. That is why it is very important not be in a hurry to throw away someone, just beca


I got a call from a younger friend today, she is 13 years old. She told me how she likes reading my posts and how she was touched by the article, "a friend indeed" I posted this morning. We got talking and she told me how difficult it has been for her to keep a lasting friendship with her female friends and how she wishes she could have at least one friend she can call "a friend indeed".  While I probed further, she started crying and told me that her friends do not like her. She said she does not hold back anything from her friends  and that she treats them very nicely and makes them feel at home whenever they are around her, but whenever they have little argument, they say a lot of hurtful things to her. She got so emotional, but I was able to calm her down and told her that everything will be alright.  However, she said her mom is aware of the whole situation and she gave her possible reasons why her friendship with these friends do not last.  Hear


The popular expression " A friend in need, is a friend indeed" often times is used to affirm the true value of friendship.  A friend's worth is measured when there is a consistent display of actions that communicates value. No wonder the Bible puts it this way..."Iron sharpens iron, so does a friend sharpen the countenance of his friend". Countenance as used here is a Metaphor for every form of support that moves your friend to the right direction.  It is easy to attribute "help" to financial resources, but "help" as it were could be a hand to hold, a heart that understands, an ear that will listen and provide valuable contributions without being judgemental, a voice of reason that strengthens your faith even when it feels like the world is closing in on you.   In the world we are in today, we hardly find "friends in deed" who care a great deal and could go out of their way to put on hold tempo


The story of the woman with hemorrhage recorded in the synoptic gospels is very pathetic but didactic. It conveys a great moral lesson on the power of thoughts. It is very glaring from her biography narrated in the gospels that nothing in life changes until thoughts are altered. Everything works according to the frequency of thoughts released by man. She had spent all her estate yet there was no amelioration in her state. Despite the care of many medical experts and professionals her case grew worse. Until she changed her thoughts healing never came forth.  Lives change because men think right. Things equally get worse because men simply don’t think. Thoughts are very powerful. Thoughts become things. The world around us existed first in the realm of thoughts. This woman not only lost her wealth, dignity and affluence; her relatives and friends abandoned her. As long as she kept thinking negatively, her illness worsened, her finances dissipated, until she became derelict. The ne


I sometimes wonder how life would have been were I the only one living on the planet. The thought of it is Inexplainable. The world would have been terribly lonely. Imagine how lonely Adam was when his only company were the animals. No wonder GOD said "it is not good that the man should be alone". HE knew that Adam would not have survived another day alone,  that was why  HE made him a companion,  Eve. However, GOD understands the importance of family.  HE understood that Adam could not function without family.  That is why family is very important.  In other words, no man is an island. You cannot be so wealthy or too important to not want to involve yourself in the family. I have seen a lot of people who do not joke with their families and I have seen people who have said they can do without "family". It is only a matter of time, they come crawling back.   Someone once said, that it is important to remember what life is all about - the lo


A colleague and I had a debate on the issue of a single lady owning a car and it really was a very big one. Having spent so much on taxis,  She is considering  buying a car before the end of the year. But she has a very big challenge on that. She said that her parents advised her seriously not to ever do that, because they are of the opinion that the car will drive men or better put, suitors away from her. She even concurred and gave me instances about some single ladies that she knows that own their cars and are finding it difficult to get married, because the men are scared of them. I could not relate to that at all. Seriously? How could that be? Unless the ladies have been meeting the wrong ones. Well, I told her that those reasons are false, because, owning a car to me is a necessity not a luxury, especially in some big cities where transportation is on the high side. After much debate on that, I was able to convince her to go ahead and buy her car and live her life. I do not


You guys remembered my friend that wrote me about her relationship and how she felt her boy friend is not being real to her? Here is her reply to my advise. I am happy for her. I hope we will always make the right decision, no matter what. READ HERE..... Dear Neme, Hope you are doing well. I just want to give you an update about my boyfriend and I. I actually thought I was going to get some response from your readers, but all the same, I followed your advice. You said something about running before I make a terrible mistake and I thought about it for a while. When I could not come up with any tangible decision, I took it to God in prayers. Dear Neme, as I write to you, we are over with the relationship. I was able to tell him boldly that I was fed up with the relationship. Initially he thought I was joking, but when he saw the seriousness in me, he became serious as well. He said that it is not possible, that I cannot leave him. He even told me that he is the last man st


THE IMAGE OF PICTURES Each time I take a picture, either a personal or a group one, I am always very keen to see how I appeared in the picture. I find myself taking multiple pictures just to make sure I capture an image that appeals to my emotion...I keep taking pictures because I haven't found one that wows me and reveals the expression I want to  communicate, however I keep taking the shots until that which I seek is delivered either in black and white or in coloured. Everywhere I go, on the road, at events, in schools, in malls, even in taxi's, I see people posing to take pictures. The intriguing  part of this daily activity is that it cuts across all categories of people; children, teenagers, adults and more advanced persons.  Basically, different  emotions are  attached to pictures and as much as they  preserve memories of "the good old days", they remind us of the days of little beginning, folks that came into our lives, people