

Some men marry simply because they need someone to bear them children. They have no special feelings for the woman they marry, except to produce children. While some women marry because of the financial security and material satisfaction. And if the aboves are not met, such marriages would inevitably crash.  A friend is someone you can share your thoughts, desires, secrets and even fears with and will at all times be willing to protect your interest. A friend is someone you can be yourself with without pretense. A friend does not compromise you. A friend allows you to feel free to express yourself, encourages you, cares about you, makes up easily with you whenever you have any argument.  I will advise that if a man claims to love you and he does not posses the qualities of a true friend, run from such a man,  he is lying to you.  You can never hide the Truth because no matter how gentle a scorpion is, it will surely sting.  Being just gentle isn't the only fact


If you give up being who you are in other to become like someone else, you will end up being someone GOD does not need one more of. So stop trying to be someone else!


What are your shadow-beliefs? The negative voice that tells you that, you are not worthy, you are not able, you will never make it, you are a failure, success is not meant for someone like you and so many other lies.  Today, I urge you to bring them all out into the light and expose them to GODS word. Do not let them control you or decide your future or keep you down!  Refuse to accept any thought that is contrary to what GOD says about you. You cannot speak death over your life, dreams and expect to see them come to life.  Someone might say, "I am not loved or cared for", But it does not matter how others think or feel about you. What you should find out is what GOD has said about HIS feelings and thoughts for you.  HE says in Isaiah 43:4 that you are precious to HIM and that you are HIS honoured and beloved one. Imagine that! So who has the final say?  Man can never be greater than GOD. It is wise that you choose to believe what GOD has said concerning you


GOD never wastes experience! If Moses had not been raised in the palace, don't you think that Pharaoh would probably have seen him as some person with the highest degree of madness and had him killed immediately for "wasting his precious time and telling him nonsense"? But his past positioned him for his future.   And also for his desert training, he was able to feed, clothe, protect and lead an entire nation though the wilderness.  What are you going through right now? I tell you, you are privileged. Yes you are! Because you are at a very big advantage and you know better, peradventure for a bigger calling ahead. 


Do you know that you were born with assignment(s)? Years back,  I didn't know my assignment until I started asking GOD for HIS direction. I have come across people who do not know what they are created for.  It will help you to know that your GOD-GIVEN assignments will always tug at your heart, lead to your highest fulfilment and unlock your compassion and creativity.  Whether GOD has called you to be a baker, a writer, a motivational speaker, a butcher, a candlestick maker, a soap maker, a bead maker,  go for it! And someone will ask me, "but I don't have money to start,", I tell you,  start with the little you have.  It will amaze you to know that your assignment does not necessarily require a lot of money to start. No wonder you  hear a lot of successful people who will tell you that they started with little or nothing at all. So go for it my dear friend, you can do it! 


Happy Fathers' day to all fathers all over the world. May you increase in wisdom, knowledge, grace, favour and increase in the understanding of GODS will and purpose for your lives. GOD bless you all.


When you talk too much, you reveal too much!