



I truly believe that no situation is hopeless. Anything can be turned around as long as you have breath in you. It is not a cliché that “where there is a will, there is a way.” Yes, you may need a helping hand, but ultimately only you can make a lasting difference in your own life. Treating people like they cannot help themselves leads them to do just that. They become disempowered, hopeless and dependent.  It is important to have a dream and to pursue it with everything you have. Remember that the size of your dream is up to you because the sky has never been the limit and you have all the potential to have anything and be anything you want. Besides, you know that you have the full responsibility for your own life and should be in the driver’s seat, because it is your thinking and your talk that ultimately determine your destiny.  So whatever that situation may be, trust me, it is not hopless. Stop judging yourself, instead take the necessary action to improve your c


Are there things you have accepted simply because everyone else seems to accept them? Have you accepted society’s standards as your own? Always know this, that society celebrates mediocrity. Ordinary people do not like it when others get ahead. It only exposes their lack of vision and motivation. That is why mediocrity is often embraced and excellence is shunned, and being ordinary is acceptable. If you want more, there is something wrong with you. If something is widely accepted and everyone is doing it, it is probably better for you as a dreamer not to do it. If you want to get what everyone else is getting, do what everyone else is doing. But the truth is, that is the most terrible thing you can do to yourself- undermining the greatness in you!  You do not have to do what others are doing. Find your own lane. 


What exactly are you capable of achieving? What is a realistic expectation for your life and what constitutes sheer madness? Is there a limit to how high you should aim? The simple answer to these questions is simply that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to; if you can think it, then it’s a realistic expectation; and you can aim as high as you want. The sky has never been the limit!  We have probably all heard the “wise” saying: “the sky is the limit.” This would seem to have a lot of wisdom in it at first glance. However, it implies that man’s potential has a limit when in actual fact, man’s potential is limitless.   Have you discovered your potential yet? That is the starting point- to discover your potential (which means all that you can be, but have not yet become. It is all you can accomplish, but have not yet accomplished. It is your dormant ability)! You will be amazed at how much you are capable of achieving. If only you can discover you


In ancient Greece, Socrates was reputed to hold knowledge in high esteem.  One day an acquaintance met the great philosopher and said, "Do you know what I just heard about your friend?" "Hold on a minute", Socrates replied. "Before telling me anything I'd like you to pass a little test. It's called the Triple Filter Test." "Triple filter?" "That's right",  Socrates continued. "Before you talk to me about my friend, it might be a good idea to take a moment and filter what you're going to say. That's why I call it the triple filter test.  The first filter is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?" "No,",the man said, "Actually I just heard about it and ..." "All right", said Socrates. "So you don't really know if it's true or not.  Now let's try the second filter, the filter of Goodness. Is w


Someone once said, that the important things are usually not the most fun or exciting things to do. How true. Like reading an inspiring book instead of watching that interesting episode of your favourite TV program, my mom'd always instruct us.  There is a price to be paid for attaining greatness and at times that means doing things we do not necessarily enjoy or want to do (oh well, I enjoy and love writing). But you must do those things because you realize that your future depends on it.  Think about this: if you only had to do the things that are fun and exciting at work would you get anything done? No. But you do it anyway, for the sake of that paycheck at the month-end. Why then, won’t you do the things that matter most for your own life?  Like reading the bible, reading inspiring books, spending time with you family, getting  good journals to write down your visions etc.  What we need to do is concentrate on the things that are most important, because they ar


A lot of people feel like they are victims in life, (I was once like that, aways playing the victim and blaming every experience on my past), they will often point to past events, perhaps growing up with an abusive parent or in a dysfunctional family or whatever situation  they found themselves like abusive relationships, abusive parents, divorce, abandonment and so on. I  mean, that is almost everybody’s story in some form or not.  But the real question is, what are you going to do now? What do you choose now? Because you can either keep focusing on that, or you can focus on what you want. And when people start focusing on what they want, what they don’t want falls away, and what they want expands, and the other part disappears. It's time to refocus, because you are not your past experiences. So stop dwelling on the past! 


Where is your self esteem founded? How firm is that foundation from which it is currently built? Are you confident because you are beautiful? But what if you mingle among others who are more beautiful than you? Are you secure with your success? What if the business or the reputation you’ve built suddenly falls?  What are you worth by then?


Many people take decisions and judgments without thinking.  I used to be like that,  in fact I was a victim of several set backs as a result of such limitations, until I realised that first and foremost, I must think on myself and know my plus points and what may stand as an obstacle before venturing into anything whatsoever. By doing good so, one can judge what is good for one and what is bad to a large extent.  The truth is, If you hardly think on yourself, you will always get yourself into trouble.  E veryone has their own positive points and limitations. Everyone is unique. You must take a look on your inside and see what you need the most and what you need to work on in other to get better.  So friends, start thinking on yourself!  Have a great weekend......


Okay, lately, I observed that I get this unfriendly headache after taking my naps, which is very unusual, because naps are meant to refresh the body. So I started reading to find out what could possibly cause the headaches. Here are some tips for a healthy nap: Nap Time should be less than 30 minutes. 20- 30 minutes of nap is good health. Most appropriate time for nap is between 2-3pm. Drowsiness caused after lunch could reduce productivity, so this is the most appropriate time for nap. The environment should be quiet and sufficiently dark environment. Repeat napping every day at the same time for the same amount. Give this a try, it will really help.


There are many things that you can find good and lovable about you, things you may have ignored or taken for granted because you have always possessed them all these years.  As proof, we get attracted with people who have positive traits that are similar to us. We may not have noticed it, but noticing them now, thinking about it and writing them down can help us believe that we have indeed been attracted by such traits, and if we have, then it is quite possible that other people will also be attracted by such traits that we already possess. Someone knows what I am talking about? Please share your thoughts...




Constantly remember that procrastination is the stealer of time. Keep away from delaying any of your actions by leaving affairs to be done for tomorrow, next week, next month and so forth. Instead have them done today and move on to the next task. 


When faced with unpleasant situations, it is tempting to ignore them and not deal with them. Your progress can be hindered if you ignore your problems. You probably would be allowing little challenges to grow into huge obstacles if you don't confront your problems and deal with them!  Someone once said that, the path of least resistance is an attractive one and the effort required to deal with the problem sometimes seems too immense.  How true. At times it is not so much that the problem is big, but that it requires us to admit something about ourselves or others that we just don’t want to face. The trouble is “You won't find a solution by saying there is no problem.” The longer you take to deal with your problems the bigger they will grow and the harder it will be to sort them out. Problems are like weeds that grow in a beautiful garden. If not recognized and uprooted early enough they will dominate the garden and choke the beautiful flowers in the garden. In


Listening is one of the best ways to be considerate toward your spouse. Do not just zone out when  your spouse is talking about her day or wait for her to finish talking so you can say what you want to say; make an effort to really hear her our and to care about what she is telling you.  When you are having a real conversation, put away your phones, always make eye contact, and really listen. Of course we all zone out from tone to time. If that happens during a conversation, do not pretend like you are following; apologise and ask her to repeat what she was really saying.  Ask your spouse questions to show that you really do care; this will help them not to feel that they are boring you. Sometimes, all your spouse needs after a long day is for someone to listen to them and empathise with them. 


A man's favorite donkey falls into a deep precipice;  He can't pull it out no matter how hard he tries;  He therefore decides to bury it alive.  Soil is poured onto the donkey from above.  The donkey feels the load, shakes it off, and steps on it;  More soil is poured.  It shakes it off and steps up;  The more the load was poured, the higher it rose;  By noon, the donkey was grazing in green pastures.  After much shaking off (of problems)  And stepping up (learning from them),  One will graze in GREEN PASTURES.  I am so brandy inspired! 


On the best sunny day, the most powerful magnifying glass will not light paper if you keep moving the glass. But if you focus and hold it, the paper will light up. That is the power of concentration. A man was traveling and stopped at an intersection. He asked an elderly man, "Where does this road take me?" The elderly person asked, "Where do you want to go?" The man replied, "I don't know." The elderly person said, "Then take any road. What difference does it make?" How true. When we don't know where we are going, any road will take us there.  Suppose you have all the football eleven players, enthusiastically ready to play the game, all charged up, and then someone took the goal post away. What would happen to the game? There is nothing left. How do you keep score? How do you know you have arrived? Enthusiasm without direction is like wildfire and leads to frustration. Goals give a sense of direction. Would you sit in a


A child, oftentimes seem more courageous than older people because he hasn’t been hurt as much.  His hope is full of all the wonderful things he feels he can still do.  His memory is not yet burdened with failures and doubts. Someone knows what I am talking about? I bet you all can relate to that (I was full of aspirations and dreams until life hit me so hard. Oh, I got back up, strongly)! But the one who is really more courageous is the person who rises up despite of his many falls.  It is being able to go on despite the hurt, and to move forward despite losing much of his hope.  When one is trapped between his approaching enemies and a dead-end leading only to a vast open sea, his hope is almost nil. But if he could still pray and believe that even there, God can save him and make a way, he has already achieved victory and much courage.  For that man, even the seas will be parted to make way for his faith!


A man’s mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must and will bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed-seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind. Whatever is planted in that garden is what will be reaped. Just as you cannot plant corn and reap oranges, so you cannot plant destructive thoughts and reap a happy and successful life. If you plant positive thoughts you will reap positive results. Plant negative thoughts and you will reap negative results. Neglect to plant anything at all and the weeds will inevitably take over.  With your mind, you can attract whatever thought you send out to the universe- it is as simple as that! What are you thinking? What thoughts are you feeding your mind with? Be rest assured it will come back to you. You can use your thoughts to improve your life- as a man thinketh....


So you failed in your exams, does it mean you have not learned anything? So you were not accepted for a job, does it mean no employer would later on trust you and consider you a valuable asset to his company? So you made a terrible mistake, does it mean you cannot have a second chance?  Things like these happen. But that does not mean you should lose your respect and love for yourself- let it remain, and never stop believing that you are GODS child; and no matter how many mistakes you have made along the way, you are still destined for the wholeness life! See  yourself through GODS' own eyes. In GODS' eyes, there is acceptance, there is no situation too hard to win nor weaknesses too weak to be overcome, by HIS insurmountable strength. So pick up yourself and keep moving! 


Design the life you want in your mind. Be sure of it! Then discard all other options. It is either you will have that life or you will not live at all. It is either you will succeed at getting what you truly want in life or you will keep trying all the days of your life.  Do not settle for anything less. Coming up with an alternative life will not and should not be an option for you at all! Yes, you may need to rework the route to your ultimate desires every now and then, but never change the destination.


We all know that sleeping is the most important factor in recovering the tired body and mind; and to live healthy, we should sleep for a right amount of time, 7-8 hours daily. But does that mean that longer hours of sleep will recover the body more?  Well, a research team in Cambridge University, after being carried out on 9,600 people for Nine and half years, proved that longer sleeping hours increased the risk of cerebral infarction by 46%. We still need more research to clarify if sleeping for long time has an unknown mechanism that affects cerebral infarction or if a cerebral infarction related factor increases the time of sleep.  That said, I would simply advise that we rather not sleep longer than 7-8 hours a day because someone who sleeps too long is not healthy.


Among the best things that you are able to do is to have gratitude; for everything that you have, everything that you've done, for all the individuals in your life, and for the procedure of unfolding and development.  Gratitude is among the higher vibrations in this life and it draws in a super-flow in your life.  Without gratitude one may get arrogant, and isolated.   Till you truly look at all that you have, and treasure all that you have been given, things may not make any meaning to you.  Did you have anything to do with your appearance?  Or your eye color? Or an utterly healthy body?  Or where you were born? Not at all. Give thanks for all that has been provided for you. Think, that you are able to see distinctly the trees and beauty around you, that you are able to take a breath of fresh air, that today and just where you are, you are capable of so many things.  Be thankful for the knowledge you have learned. Be thankful for those who love you.  Be thankful


There was a man taking a morning walk at the beach. He saw that along with the morning tide came hundreds of starfish and when the tide withdrew, they were left behind and with the morning sun rays, they would die.  The tide was fresh and the starfish were alive. The man took a few steps, picked one and threw it into the water. He did that repeatedly. Right behind him there was another person who could not understand what this man was doing. He caught up with him and asked, "What are you doing? There are hundreds of starfish. How many can you help? What difference does it make?" This man did not reply, took two more steps, picked up another one, threw it into the water, and said, "It makes a difference to this one." Enjoy the little things, they actually make huge difference!


We all know that music relaxes the mind and relieves stress. Music is food to the soul- I know that too well. Music has really helped me in so many ways, so I thought I could share just a little bit of the research I made on music lately. Well, it has been researched that music has a positive effect on dementia- a chronic or persistent disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory disorders, personality changes and impaired reasoning.  Actually, in a research that was published on the Journal of Clinical Nursing showed that music has a positive effect on activity, recognition and mentality of the dementia patients. They strongly recommended music therapy because of its major role in improving the quality and functionality of life.  It does not cost any money to listen to music you love often, anytime, anywhere because it is an important factor in living a healthy life! So let the music play!!!