

No man or woman ever amounted to anything unless he or she put life into the tasks of everyday life - the acts - the thoughts. What the world needs is live men and women. Just look into the eyes of the people whom you meet, and see how few of them are really alive. The most of them lack that expression of conscious life which distinguishes the man who lives from the one who simply exists.




Far too many individuals worry about what other's think or say about them, or fear to step out of the comfort of what they have always known, and avoid taking risks, but risks are the only way for us to grow and to change into something new and better. Living our lives small to save face squanders our opportunities, diminishes our potential, and prevents us from becoming the amazing person we were created to become- it really is no way to live our lives. Instead, we should aspire to confront our fears and conquer them, for creativity is not developed and nurtured in a safe environment, but out at sea, in the crucible of daring adventure. It demands that we leave the safety and comfort of the harbor, that we try something new and different, that we are authentic and not simply a copy of someone else. 


Our happiness is not so much a product of the big things that occur in our lives, as it is the little things, as long as we let them make us happy. Unfortunately, there are those among us who desperately seek only for the "great pieces," who ignore the importance the little things play in their lives or take them for granted because they seem small or insignificant. But nothing could be further from the truth.  We do not have to wait for something big to happen before we can be happy; our lives are already filled with an endless supply of positive things, if only we would take full advantage of them.  And often times all it takes is a slight change in our perspectives- a shifting of our focus towards recognizing the positive little things and accepting them as a remarkable part of our lives- to do just that.  When that song I really enjoy listening to comes on, or my drive home is safe and pleasant. When the hurts of yesterday have subsided and I wake up feeling




Our uniqueness is a blessing to this world; it breathes life and creativity into it. And yet, there is something amazing about being able to agree with someone else about something. For when we do so, we experience a deeper bond with them, and a little more of the unity that so strongly defines us as human beings is exposed and shared. This helps to clarify the connections that we share with one another and elevates them into something much more real, clear, and focused. The bond of shared feelings and perspectives undoubtedly is "one of life's choicest pleasures." And what is perhaps even more satisfying is our ability to share it with those in our lives, with those we love and care deeply about. This provides a natural channel through which we can elevate our relationships and build a unity and togetherness that does not require others to feel or see things as we do. In addition, it is important to recognize that we can access those feelings at any time simply


GOD does not ever waste experience- I mean, that situation you are going through is a big lesson that GOD wants you to learn from. See beyond that situation and pay attention to your spirit. A lot of people have given up on life because of what they are going through, but I tell you this, you can only qualify for the next level when you have successfully passed the difficult test of life. In fact I would say you should count yourself privileged for all the lessons learned from your past experiences because only then will you qualify for your breakthroughs. So friend, pay attention! See beyond your situation and be grateful! 


Whether we recognize it- or even admit it- we all need some encouragement and hope in our lives. There are people in desperate need of it right now. And regardless of whether it is big or small, we all have the ability to offer that encouragement, hope, and understanding every day- each of us can contribute positively to the lives of those in need and then watch as extraordinary things begin to happen in the world around us because of the good we have put forth into it. 


There was a group of children running in a local charity event who decided to pick on one of their smaller peers. Near the end of the race, the boys tripped up the smaller child and he fell sliding several feet on his arms and face. He was bleeding, embarrassed, and crying as the older children nearby taunted him- calling him names and yelling at him to stay down and cry like a baby.  And while the group of children howled insults at the boy, and jeered and laughed at him loudly, he began to stand up and dust off his shirt and pants, and slowly jog towards the finish line. He continued to push himself onward, and as he crossed the line, was met by his father and mother who hugged him. A few moments later, a boy from the crowd came up to him and said, "Did you not hear those boys telling you to give up, calling you names?" And the boy's parents said in reply, "He is deaf... he thought they were encouraging him the entire time." Wow, the boy was actually


No, not, don't, can't, won't, and what if's – these are the usual manifestations of negative thinking. It is if they have this function to build a wall between you and the place you are going; thus, holding you back from doing something without even trying. That is how evil negative thoughts can be.  Your words and thoughts can chart the course of your week/life, so be careful what you let come out of your mouth as a result of your thoughts. However you want your life to be, speak it, think it!  How steady is your mind in the midst of all that's happening? That will determine what flows out of it!


What we think about and THANK about is what we bring about. Happy Sunday. 


Fear paralyses a mans desire to achieve his dreams- it scares the life out of it. You must get rid of fear. There had been times in my life when fear got hold of me and took a good, firm grip on my vitals, and I would lose all hope; all interest; all ambition; all desire. But, I thank GOD I have and will always throw off the grip of the monster and face/win any challenge. The truth is that things have a way of straightening out for me somehow whenever I don't worry myself or allow fear to have its way. Either the difficulty would melt away or I would be given means to overcome it. It is strange how this works. No matter how difficult a situation is, when we finally face it with courage and absolute trust in GOD, we always pull through somehow, and then we begin to wonder what we were scared about in the first place. What is it that uses up all the energy in the average man or woman, anyway? Is it the real overcoming of difficulties, or the worrying about tomorrow? It'


We sometimes have a tendency to forget ourselves and to set aside our needs in order to care for other people.  This is not bad!  But we must remember that the most important gift we could ever give to the world is to be the best of who we are. It is our very presence that should stir joy and inspiration in their hearts, not merely the things that we do. Think about our relationship with GOD.  GOD gives us many things – food to eat, clothes to wear, friends to talk to, activities to enjoy, dreams to achieve, missions to accomplish.  But though these things be good and many, not one of them could ever compare to the GIVER of them all.  Even if we could have HIS gifts, our happiness would not be complete without HIS Very Presence, the Gift of HIMSELF! We do not seek GOD in order to have the world, we seek GOD because if we have HIM, we would not need anything more! You are a gift to the world, don't you ever forget that! 






This 'tussle' of projecting blame outward toward another, rather than 'owning' our own part in the reflection has seeded in homes, because children have often witnessed adults behaving unkindly, aggressively, assumptively and competitively with each other. We can instill a culture of the opposite, which leads to the desire of most i.e., PEACE. Leniency, with each other, often construed as 'forgiveness', is required.  As human beings we are all fallible.  We have all at some points unintentionally strayed from our own contracts, not necessarily willfully, often simply because we were too busy and overwhelmed in the day's pressurized ways that we got deeply habitualized in the non-constructive behaviour. Patience and kindness (the two friends) is required to help coax our minds and actions  away from these happiness sabotaging habits. LET US ENCOURGE, ENHANCE AND ENRICH!


I used to have a friend(s) who whenever she is around me, the rest of my day will be sad and moody. She is so negative and does not have anything good to offer as far as my state of mind and being is concerned. So one day, I made up my mind to quit that friendship. She was out of my life for the best, and I think you should do same as well. You cannot afford to waste your life with people who will never add value to your life!  The truth is, the people we surround ourselves with often have a larger impact on who we are and the person we are becoming than we generally like to believe, and the ways in which they treat us- through their words and actions- tend to become our mantra. If they build us up and encourage us, we, too, believe in ourselves and our abilities. But if they tear us down or belittle us, we tend to question our abilities and usually are satisfied with settling for less than what we are capable of or deserve.  Each day we have the choice to surround oursel


The act of forgiveness is a conscious choice to let go, to move past feelings of resentment, and to to move forward in light and love. Holding on to unforgiveness is like carrying a bucket of stones. With each step, the bucket gets heavier and heavier until it is exhausting ti bear.  Examine the stones of unforgiveness, take them all out one by one from the bucket, and release them to GOD. Trust me, unforgiveness only imprisons you and keeps you bound for as long as you carry the heavy stones of unforgiveness and resentment. Let it all go and fill the bucket with light, peace and freedom.




Happy 56th anniversary to my country, Nigeria. Thank GOD for HIS mercies thus far. The truth is Nigeria still has a very long way to go and that change we are all clamouring for begins with you and I. If we all claim to be good, I see no reason why Nigeria shouldn't get better than where she is now. We are not true and good to ourselves; why do we think that only one man can bring the CHANGE that this country truly deserves! A true Christian or Muslim will surely make a good citizen, but how many of us are true worshippers of this true GOD?  Why not become the change that you seek! Your friend becomes rich and treats you like trash, forgets where he or she is coming from. But if we begin that change from our immediate environment, we will begin to experience a new and better Nigeria!  I pray that GOD helps us all to truly have the love in our hearts to be good to one another and as such be GOOD CITIZENS of this great country! LONG LIVE NIGERIA! Happy 56th birthday!  


The great people of the world- that is, those who have "arrived"- are not very different from you, or me, or the rest of us- all of us are about the same at the base. You have only to meet  them to see how very much"ordinary" they are, after all. But, don't forget the fact that they know how to use the material that is in them; while the rest of the crowd does not, and, in fact, even  doubts whether the true stuff is there. 




Most of us have never really taken the time to visit within ourselves long enough to discover our own truths, much less live by them. And if we were to do so, those truths may frighten or worry us, for there is a good chance that the truths we have adopted from our exposure to outward things- the ones most of us have come to depend on for security, assurance, confidence, and comfort- are really not valid at all. We might instead discover that the truths within us are much more compassionate, kind, caring, forgiving, understanding, loving, and purposeful. For instance, many of us who have been hurt by others in the past, have put up walls to prevent others from getting close to us and to keep us safe. And while we may believe we are safe, the truth is quite the opposite: our isolation actually increases our hurt, sadness, loneliness, misery, and suffering.  There is an inmost center in us all. But sadly, it is all too often a forgotten place; a place that many of us simply do n




We all can create positive contributions in the world and make a difference in the lives of those around us, even if we do not always receive recognition or positive responses. As long as we shine forth the healing and wholesome light from within--compassion, love, kindness, mercy, empathy, forgiveness, gratitude, joy--and allow that light to rest upon ourselves as well, we will find that our days are much brighter and more fulfilling.  Even if our contribution is but a single candle flame, the light of the world relies upon each and every single candle, and no candle is worth less than any other is.  When we seek only to bring happiness to ourselves, we often find that it is fleeting and eludes our grasp; yet when we seek to bring it to others, it finds us and becomes a permanent residence in our lives.