

HEALTH TIPS FOR YOUR WEEKEND DELIGHT... I want to share with you the 3 healthy foods in my daily diets...They work for me very well.. SARDINES Photo credit : Krayker Sardines are one of the best sources of heart-healthy, mood-boosting omega- 3 fats and they are parked with Vitamin D which is important for normal growth and development of bones and teeth, as well as improved resistance against certain diseases. Sardines do not harbour lots of toxins as bigger fish can because they are small and low on the food chain. OATMEAL Photo credit : nataliamylova  Oatmeal contains a high level of fibre which helps to remove cholesterol from the digestive system that would otherwise end up in the bloodstream. They also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and prevent heart failure. Consumption of whole grain products (oatmeal) and dietary fibre reduces the risk of high blood pressure and heart attack. It stabilises the blood sugar of diabetic patients. It offers


Your Heart is the most important life tool you have. It matters most of all, not your skills or experiences or knowledge! Why You Must Guard Your Heart..... Because your heart is extremely valuable. It is not something you should handle casually-like it does not matter. It is the essence of who you are. It is your authentic self- the core of your being. It is where all your dreams, passions and desires live. Your heart is that part of you that connects with GOD and people- your family, friends and colleagues alike. If your spiritual heart dies, your vision/leadership dies. This is why King Solomon says "Above all else", make it your top priority. Because everything you do flows from it. King Solomon says "it is the wellspring of life". Meaning that, your heart is the source of everything in your life. Your heart overflows into thoughts, words and action. If your heart is unhealthy, it has an impact on everything else. It threatens your famil


YOU HAVE WHAT YOU SAY  Our Words are powerful tools in our hands with which we create as well as alter circumstances that are not in tandem with our desires and interests. Even as a tiny spectrum of the body, is richly empowered with such rare ability to add, subtract, build, re-create and rework events to suit the individual who is knowledgeable about its power and effect. The outcome of our experiences are traceable to our line of confession because we live in the words that we speak as our lives take the shape of our spoken words. Therefore for you to experience fulfilment in every area of your life, you have the responsibility of charting the cause of events with words that are in sync with your anticipated reality. The scripture said that life and death is in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). The words you speak can  give life or cause death. Some people have died, hopes dashed, as a result of something said. But people also live because of something said! Tongues can m


TO ALL MOMS AS I CELEBRATE MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!! This small token of appreciation is a tribute to the moms who have selflessly dedicated themselves to enhancing our lives through encouragement, prayers and love. A touching and sentimental collection of wit and wisdom from a wide range of well-known mothers, including my sweet mother Lady Christiana, Whoopi Goldberg, Alicia Silverstone and lots of other great mothers. Whether you are a man, child, a mother, you will truly cherish this celebration of life's most precious relationship... Be prayerful.. Let your life be dependent solely on GOD and not man Anyone willing to be corrected is on the path way to life; And anyone refusing, has lost his chance Do not argue blindly Do not chase after material things Walk with your shoulder high Be a good saver and manager... #Lady Christiana My mother's great. She had the major looks. She could stop you from doing anything, Through a closed door even with a single look. W


GREEN TEA Why Green Tea is the healthiest beverage on the planet.... Rich with loads of Antioxidants   Lowers risk of heart ailments   Tones down blood pressure   Reduces cholesterol levels   Prevents clotting of blood   Decreases risks of cancer   Prevents tooth decay   Sharpens mental alertness   Wards off fatigue   Provides antioxidants vital for well being   Alleviates stress   Boosts immune system   The health benefits of Green Tea cannot be over-emphasised. That is why I made it part of my routine health tip and I must tell you, knowledge is health!  Read more on Green Tea...and include it in your daily meal..(you'll thank me later)...winks..


Has anyone seen this movie, "Like Stars on Earth? It is a must watch, most especially if you are a parent or you hope to be one in the future. The movie is about a young lad of 9years old, who had difficulties with recognising letters and spellings. In his words, he said "the letters are dancing", and truly, the letters were dancing in his head. He struggled with this for a long time and expressed his inabilities by being very stubborn and unattentive. His parents, especially the father could not understand him. They called him different names like stubborn, empty head and all sorts of heart hurting and discouraging words. But what they refused to recognise about their son was that he was very good with arts. He could draw very well. He was exceptionally gifted with arts. It took a teacher who payed close attention to details to understand the need of the child because he could resonate with the little boys challenge given that he had similar issues whi


A big warm  welcome to Neme's blog...  Here I will be sharing real life experiences,  concepts, ideas, real day to day issues that and how we can approach them better, see life differently as well as help you improve on grey areas that seem overwhelming. The more we share our experiences and learn new ways of doing things even in the midst of prevailing circumstances, we fill up our lessons learnt log...therefore, your ideas and comments are welcome because someone out there might just be relying on your words that inspire to pull through one more day, make the right choice and become a better person... Live right!!!