



Many people are scared of something specific, like being in the dark or driving or swimming or even pursuing their dreams. They feel they are not capable - lies of the dark mind. I recently learned how to do something I feared I may fumble at. And it amazed me how good and swift I am with it. If you're in such situation, make it a point to learn the thing that you fear doing. Even if you fail once or twice or more, don’t give up on your hope. Fear is nothing if you believe it is not.. Switch off the lights when you are alone in a room and see what happens. You can be assured that nothing is going to attack you. Once you confront your fear by actually performing the same thing that you fear, you will successfully kill your fear!


Any relationship keeps on blossoming so long as there is value addition for those in relationship from each other. The moment the value addition stops the relationship stops blossoming and end of the relationship arrives. The truth is, without value addition there is no point in any relationship. Relationships are the basis of our existence. We cannot exist alone- no man is an island. Value them and keep on adding value to each one of them.


Be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet. Make all your friends feel there is something special in them. Look at the sunny side of everything. Think only the best, be as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give everyone a smile. Spend so much time improving yourself that you have no time left to criticize others. Be too big for worry and too noble for anger.


Every thought has a frequency. Thoughts send out a magnetic energy. 


One role is oneself and another role is GODS' . You and GOD cannot exist together. When you want GOD within you to be there, you have to drive yourself away, forget yourself and only then will GOD arrive. Just remember any miracle achievement of yours in the past. It has been performed by GOD in you but with your help. Your part is to disappear, then GOD takes over you completely and miracle happens. Learn to forget about yourself and look for better ways to affect lives positively. Your miracle will surely happen!


So what if someone had passed a nasty comment on your outfit earlier today. As long as you are comfortable, does it really matter? Does it change the truth that you are wonderfully made? Or do you hesitate to raise your hand in class to ask the question that’s persistently been pestering you simply because you fear your classmates might find it silly and doubt your intelligence? Why is their opinion even worth it? Never put their opinions before your clarity on the subject! Never! Forget the world, live your life in GOD'S conformity and be yourself. Happiness will be right behind you!


Who am I? Have you truly asked yourself this question?  There’s no possible way you can be yourself without knowing who you really are. You pretend to idolize football player David Beckham because your neighbor does and you want to gain his approval? Soon you will realize that you don’t know what interests you because you have ve been whiling away time with what least interests you other than finding what interests you - who you really are! Understand yourself, figure out where your deepest passion lies and be proud of your qualities. Contemplate your life and the choices you’ve made. Take personality tests and you will eventually unravel the buried mesh of what had been your GOD-GIVEN gifts and abilities. Accept it with pride and get better! Yes you can! 




Feeling stressed out, worn out by fatigue or just simply having a miserable day? The best thing to do is relax. In recent studies, experts have found out that heart disease is linked to anger, anxiety, irritability which also causes mental stress. Relaxation takes on added importance in light of this matter. So there are many ways to achieve relaxation, but I would share with you guys the one that works for me- that gives me instant relief and calm. Breathing. Breathing is one of the easiest methods to relax. It influences almost all aspects of us, it affects our minds, moods and our bodies. Simply focus on your breathing- breath from your nose and exhale through your mouth, instantly you can feel its effects right away. Try it. Have a stress-free weekend.


You will agree with me that it is much easier to be positive when you are eating well, exercising, and getting enough rest. So do the basic at all times to ensure a very sound and healthy mind.  Remind yourself of the things you are grateful for. From experience, s tresses and challenges don't seem quite as bad when you are constantly reminding yourself of the things that are right in life. Taking just 5 mins a day to stop and appreciate the good things will make a huge difference. A fear of not being liked or accepted sometimes leads us to assume that we know what others are thinking, but our fears are usually not reality. If you have a fear that a friend or family member's bad mood is due to something you did, or that your co-workers are secretly gossiping about you when you turn your back, speak up and ask them. Don't waste time worrying that you did something wrong unless you have proof that there is something to worry about.  Have a restful weekend.xoxo


We all know that the mind is where all the issues of life and events are birthed. That is why you have to empty the garbage box daily- for two reasons: 1. Where will you accumulate  new thoughts? And 2. The existing garbage will rot and stink making your whole house like a big garbage box. Same is with our mind everyday; we need to empty it for new things or else it will make you a stinking garbage box. Most of us are so full with our own perceptions, prejudices & past that we knowingly or unknowingly have become stinking garbage boxes with no place for new learnings! So here's my question for you friend. Have you emptied your garbage box today?  Best week friends. 


People don't change, they only get revealed. You know when the goldsmith heats up a raw gold; what does it reveal? A pure gold! It only reveals a charcoal if the gold is unadulterated!  Watch out for the adulterated golds- it could be a friend, a lover that seems so harmless, or even a business deal that's too good to be true. Have you tried them out to know if they are pure or fake? You will agree with me that most times, it is difficult the different the fake from the original. You need to have a discerning spirit to be able to different the two! The truth, which may also sound like a cliché still remains, that you will only know a persons true character under "some certain circumstances."  Someone once said, that an angel will always be an angel and the devil always a devil.






Your life is a learning process - you can only become wiser from learning. Sometimes you might have to attract making a painful mistake to learn something important, but after the mistake you have far greater wisdom.  Wisdom cannot be bought with money - it can only be acquired through living life. With wisdom comes strength, courage, knowing, and an ever-increasing peace."


“Never go to bed angry” is a cliché that we always hear. This has proven to be a very sound advice, and a motto that many couples live by. For a married couple who is just starting out, "petty arguments" can not be avoided! That's the truth, unless you are living in pretence. The first year of your marriage (or even more depending on the couple) will be the "test of love" to determine the strength of your love. The strength of your love for each other will serve as the “building block” of the rest of your years together.   However, do not be afraid to admit if you are wrong. Pride in marriage has a very expensive price to pay. Do not put this pride between you and your spouse. If you are in the wrong, do not be afraid to admit it, and then apologise. Remember that you are together in spite of your individual differences. Go back to what brought you together in the first place and you can never go wrong.


Change of diet will not help a man who will not change his thoughts. When a man makes his thoughts pure, he no longer desires impure food. If you would perfect your body, guard your mind. If you would renew your body, beautify your mind. Thoughts of malice, envy, disappointment, despondency, rob the body its health and grace. A sour face does not come by chance; it is made by sour thoughts. 




Behind every single step you take in life, regardless of its direction, is that formidable and powerful force – thought. The very way you walk, the way you carry yourself, your talk, your manner of dress, all reflect your way of thinking. A slovenly carriage is an indication of slovenly thinking, whereas an alert, upright carriage is the outward  sign  of inward strength and confidence. What you exhibit outwardly, you are inwardly. You are the product of your own thoughts. What you believe yourself to be, you are.


Your will is like a muscle, flex it! You must first exercise it and then push before it gets stronger. This necessarily involves short term pain, and most times long term. But be assured that the improvements will come and will touch your character in a most positive way.  That being said, when you are hungry, wait another hour before your meal. When you are pissed, take a deep breath and settle in, everything must not end up in a fight. When you are facing a temporary financial set back, learn to make do with the little that's available and be cheerful; someone somewhere doesn't even have a little to manage. When you are labouring over a difficult task and your mind is prompting you to pick up the latest magazine for a break or to get up and go talk to a friend, curb the impulse etc. Soon you will be able to sit for hours in a precisely concentrated state.  Sir Issac Newton, one of the greatest classical physicists the world has produced, once said: "if I ha


A full cup cannot accept anything more. Similarly, a person who believes that he cannot learn anything else will stagnate quickly and not move to higher levels. A true sign of a secure, mature individual is someone who sees every opportunity as a chance to learn. Even the teachers have teachers.


Couples, either newly married or married to each other for a long time, should understand that they need to communicate. It may sound surprising, but recent studies show that communication issues actually top the list of the most important things that couples hope they had focused on before jumping into marriage. Talk. It is unsafe to assume that a partner knows the others thoughts and needs and vice versa. Ask, and do not assume. Then pay close attention and listen to what is being said. Don't just hear. Acknowledge that what has been said is clearly understood.It goes a long way to avert any brooding problem!


A lot of us are more interested in finding out what we are here for. But have you really taken time to find out what you are not here for? Someone once said, "The more you are aware of the things you are not supposed to do, the more you will love to do what you are supposed to do." Below are just a few amongst many of what we are not here for. We are not here to blame; We are not here to cry; We are not here to sleep; We are not here to show off; We are not here to fight; We are not here to be miserable; We are not here to be angry; We are not here to worry; We are not here to oppress the helpless; We are not here to envy and gossip one another; We are not here to live our lives on other people's opinion; We are not here to compete with one another. The list is endless. You are free to add to the list. Have a flourishing week!


How many people we know who have soured their lives, good friendships and relationships, who have ruined all that is sweet and beautiful by explosive tempers, who have destroyed their poise of character, and made bad blood!  It is a question of whether the great majority of people do not ruin their lives and mar their happiness by lack of self-control. Only few people we meet in life are well-balanced and have that exquisite poise which is characteristic of the finished character!  Most times, we don't need to prove any point to anybody, which most times lead to ego and destruction. Only the wise man, only he whose thoughts are controlled and purified  makes the winds and storms of the soul/life obey him! Let's be wise then!