Before  a farmer plants, he goes through rigorous processes to ensure that when the seeds are sown, they will germinate and bear fruits without dieing along the way. Some of these processes might be to ensure that the soil where the seeds are to be planted is a good soil depending on the type of seed you want to plant, treating the seeds,  because some seeds will not germinate unless they are sown while fresh, or will only sprout in the dark or in the light. Other  seeds may require soaking in room temperature water for some time, might be days. The farmer ensures he has manure or fertiliser that will enable a healthy growth of the seeds when they are planted. As an Agriculturist, I have realised that it takes a lot to sow to be able to have a good harvest.  

The same applies to children. Raising children  is a task whereby the parents must be fully equipped to ensure that their children grow to give them joy not heart break. 

Children are seeds.  It is what you feed them with that they will grow to become. The Bible says in Proverbs 22:6 " Start children off on the way they should go,  and even when they are old they will not turn from it". The best gift parents should give their children is praying for them and teaching them the word of GOD.  The  word of GOD is a life pill that when you take it, be rest assured that you will enjoy the good life that GOD has promised.  It takes a lot to give your children that. The parents must be spiritually and emotionally fit. This is because you cannot give what you do not have. Let the word of GOD be your own fertiliser and manure to ensure that you bring forth children worthy of praise. GOD loves children so much and HE even  said that before you enter HIS Kingdom,  your heart must be like that of a child.  So GOD is very much interested in children. Children are a reward from GOD (psalm 127:3). It will do us parents good to heed to Solomon's wise counsel to train them well. The value that GOD  placed on teaching our children the truth is clearly addressed by Moses who stressed to his people the need of teaching their children about GOD and HIS word. "Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up(Deuteronomy 6:7-9). 

Disciple is very paramount in bringing up a child. If GOD does not love us, this verse "for we know that the LORD disciplines those HE loves (Proverbs 3:12) would not have been. We discipline our children because we love them. 

When you start very early to discipline your children, the walk will be very easy as they grow.  You will grow children who are not hard to teach. You will enjoy peace and serenity. 

You don't allow children to do what they please, because you feel you do not want them to cry or feel hurt. Children are seeds. They need pruning (that's discipline). Show them love by teaching them to walk in the right path. Show them love by disciplining them. Show them love by correcting them. 

I pray that GOD will give all parents the wisdom and grace to bring up GODLY children. 


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