There is an adage that says " If you are not a thief, do not walk like one".

What a simple way of telling us to be as transparent as possible. 

This is so true especially in this present dispensation where folks have become susceptible to judge the "next door neighbour" or simply wear an  impression. 

It's really surprising that someone that barely has knowledge of either your persona or character make up, chooses to feed his ego by nursing a bad impression about you...

These days, People are not patient enough to take their time and make a proper assessment about someone, before the echoes of judgement resounds.  That is the reason you should always portray the image of who you truly are...that doesn't mean your topic wouldn't be raised every now and then, but in the midst of that, the truth about your core attitude can never be watered down by any negative impression.

A lot of people have lost great opportunities as a result of appearing to be who they are not... Camouflage... If you are a good person,  there is no need for all the hanky panky games- just show your real self. Do not try to put yourself to test- what it means is that you are putting your life on the line and you are making a joke of your life. When you take yourself seriously, people will take you seriously. The Bible says "let your life so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your FATHER who is in heaven. So you see, if you are not a bad person , do not make an appearance of a bad person,  you are only tarnishing your image- and the unfortunate part is that usually you do not always get another chance. 

Make very good use of every opportunity you get to show case your GOD-GIVEN abilities and nature. Sometime ago, as a copper, I met someone whom I never knew I made a great first impression the first time, which later got me a very good job. 

Will you let your light shine today?


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