This week I have a few quotes that might help you in dealing with whatever challenge you are going through right now. The good thing about these quotes is that they were birthed out of life challenging situations, experiences, whether positive or negative, which makes it easier to relate it to real life experiences. Find below some of these quotes:

Sometimes people come into your life for a moment, a day, or a life time. It does not matter how long they spent with you, but how they impacted your life in that time.

You cannot control how people will treat you or what they say about you. But you can control how you react to it.

Be a warrior, not a worrier.

The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who have fought and won battles we knew not.

GOD is the only rewarder of good works. 

It is better to tell the truth that hurts, than to tell that lies that soothes.

Waiting time is very difficult and challenging. But also a time of learning and gathering experience.

Give your time to love and you will get the reward thereof.

Do not assume you are smart..someone out there is smarter. Be sincere.

Do not disappoint those that hold you in high esteem. People will always remember the wrong you did more.

Giving is a virtue..

There is no situation that prayers cannot solve. Just ask. It is that simple.

Whatever you need, you have to seed it first.

Refuse to settle for the less or be someone's spare time.

Love yourself and treat yourself kindly. By so, you will know when someone is not loving or treating you right.

Always appreciate those that love and care about them. It is a privilege.

Be kind to your spouse. Treat your spouse with love and respect.

Majority of the quotes are from yours truly..

Have a splendid week..


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