"Work is love made visible, and if you cannot work with love, it is better that you leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take arms of those who work with joy. For if you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter bread that feeds but half of man’s hunger. And if you grudge the crushing of the grapes, your grudge distills a poison in the wine. For if you sing though as an angel and love not the singing, you muffle men’s ears with voices of the day and voices of the night. All work is empty save there is love- and when you work with love, you bind yourself to yourself, to one another, and to God". 
Kahlil, Gibran.
The Prophet. 

YES! Under the bushel is not your place of expression.  This understanding came alive in me when I was pondering on why there are so many lives wondering about without direction, focus, and purpose for living. In that very deep state of concern and refusal to be limited in my mind, rather to go all out in the pursuance of that which is ideal, I came to the conclusion, that conclusion which is born of a strong conviction that under the bushel is not my place of expression. I did lay hold of this understanding and it helped champion the cause of my life as it facilitated the production of this material for the perusal and benefit of society. There is more to life than routine people have become so comfortable with including the sleep and wake up cycle. More is expected from you than the normal routine which you are used to and have obviously become very comfortable with. When I became very convinced about the kind of life God has designed and fashioned for me to live, when I discovered my assignment and giftin's, when the essence and purpose for living was clear, something happened to me, I became very uncomfortable with sleeping for the number of hours I used to sleep- That uncomfortable state naturally changed my sleeping pattern and of course timing. 

The moment you gain clarity of purpose and have the grit to follow through, you will become very uncomfortable with so many things, so many things that you at one time or the other did see as nothing due to your perception and stereotyped paradigm- some friends will leave, new attitudes will spring up, concept and style will modify, your new understanding and direction will bring you in contact with some like-minded creatures, you will all of a sudden begin to make sense out of things you previously attached less importance to, the renewal of your mind forms new perceptions in your heart such that your sensitivity is ignited and you begin to see areas where your calling can provide solution to the needs of society. This is the point of significance and relevance because your abilities are not to be hidden under the bushel but to be fully expressed to the glory of God and for the benefit of the society.  As you horn and sharpen these abilities through problem solving and proffering solutions to the needs of your environment, your life becomes a metaphor for relevance, relevance which was designed for you to walk in even before the inception of your life. Your life has been designed for global significance and relevance which obviously doesn’t stop there; it continues and evolves as you commit yourself to discover your relevance in the state of things, because our lives are closely connected to the success of society, and the more we individually and collectively strengthen ourselves to become relevant, we will have a community of like-minds who are consumed with the passion to make a difference.


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