This is to that someone.......

Who is battling with past mistakes

Who has lost hope completely because your society has condemned you

Who is ashamed because of some seemingly terrible failures

Whose appointment has been terminated

Who cries secretly every night asking yourself "Why Me"

Who is heartbroken as a result of failed relationship

Who is feeling unsure of herself because you have been terribly abused and assaulted 

Who has been called different names because you refused to conform to a certain way of life completely different from who you are

Who has  no job

Who is in serious debts

Who is going through one challenge or the other

You are more than all these life challenging circumstances. Whatever you are going through right now does not determine who you truly are if only you believe that you are more than! If you can look inside of you, you will definitely find you. GOD has given each and every one of us the ability to overcome, to come out victoriously. That is why you need not judge someone because the person  looks good and is doing well- you can never know the battle he or she had fought and won. So, everything you are and desire to be can be yours if you see yourself more than all those negative and challenging situations. You cannot let your life be ruled by something you know that GOD has given you victory over. Be brave and say ENOUGH is ENOUGH to mistakes, failures and abuse and those feelings that would want to keep you down. Your success is known by battles you have fought and won! 


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